About bloody time! Or is that swearing?!
I'm sick of Azerus and all it's "content". Now if only they'd release a version that will run on PPC G4 I'd be laughing teacakes!
Mac users are finally being offered their own version of µTorrent, the most popular BitTorrent client. µTorrent for Mac came out in beta yesterday. Version 0.90 is compatible with OSX Leopard only and the developers warn there may be "serious bugs". The port boasts the "lightweight power and performance" that saw the PC …
...this'll have to be bloody fantastic to make me switch.
I had µTorrent when I had a PC, and frankly it was a pain in the arse to set up (but still the best of the bunch on the PC). Once I got my Mac and found Transmission, I was a very happy bunny.
Paris, 'cos she clogs up the Torrents.
"And the first person to post that in runs in wine will get smacked with a spork"
My father has reinstalled Ubuntu half a dozen times over the last month, he's really getting into the whole Linux thing.
But he insists on using uTorrent in Wine rather than a native Linux client. *facepalm*
Wasn't there a big hoo-ha when uTorrent got bought by the studio-sponsored BitTorrent Inc anyway?
Azureus for me, as it's works fine in Linux and my beloved XP.
@ AC - Yes the switch is called the "close program" icon...
I like µTorrent on the PC, quite easy to set up, can even leave it on defaults almost if your not sure of anything. What I love about it is the miniscule size, < 1Meg for what it does not bad, full gui, integrated search, webUI (once you turn it on), the fact that it's very aware of what environment it's running in, with XP firewall on/off , uPNP (I turned that off - hmm nice feature too hackable).
I've used a few torrent clients and found this the nicest one, to all the mac users out there you'll soon wonder what you did without it..
Since my Torrentbox is a G4 Dual 500 running Tiger, it won't do me much good. Its Leopard performance was a bit sluggish and I don't want Leopard on it again till I have no other choice.
I'll have to look at Transmission, as Vuze is a resource hog, and Bitrocket is not exactly reliable.
When you are downloading a popular torrent (eg. any linux distro), Transmission will open 10-20 connections in upload per torrent.
So if you have 128kbit upstream bandwidth every peer will get almost nothing. This also means that you, and potentially the peers downloading stuff, will open more sockets in order to get a chunk of the file.
Utorrent on the other end will let you set up as well an upload limit, but then will let you choose how many slots you want to assign to each single torrent to upload, so you can decide for instance to open 1 slot and to upload one torrent at time, serving each chunk at 16KBytes/s keeping the number of connections low (and the peer happier).
My 2 cents.
Yeah. I've used Transmission (Ubuntu's default) and azureus. Azureus is actually not bad -- the high disk I/O and network will really crap out Windows at times, but I use Linux and it's good on there, it should be reasonable on OSX too I would think. Transmission has been pretty nice as well when I've used it, I haven't used it as much so I haven't checked if it has all the useful plugins (or doing it built-in) that azureus has available. So having those as your main OSX choices is not bad at all.
I have heard uTorrent is much lighter, isn't there this "gamer" network card that can run uTorrent on it? I don't need the lightness though, my machine handles Azureus fine. If Azureus or Transmission is too big for you, do run uTorrent though! I haven't used it but have gotten plenty of speed off of machines running it, so it does certainly keep it's act together and run reliably and fast.
IIRC, the Windoze client weighs in at a meagre 270kb and is portable - all the installer version does is stick the single exe into c:\program files\utorrent.
Before my Windoze box died (dodgy mobo - but since it's a laptop and out of warranty, I can't be fussed posting it back to HP), I was a fond user of the program. The feature I most liked (apart from the tiny footprint) was allowing separate locations for torrents downloading/completed and for torrent contents downloading/completed.