An irrelevance...
Block PB and they go "somewhere else", block "somewhere else" and they'll go to "another somewhere else"...and so it goes on, and on, and on...
Paris because they're clearly not the sharpest tools in the box...
Danish ISP Sonofon (part of Tele2) has once again been ordered by a Danish court to block the controversial Swedish BitTorrent site The Pirate Bay. The record industry represented by The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) calls it a landmark ruling and says the decision confirms the illegality of Pirate …
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What's the point in even bothering to do this? The workarounds are numerous and quick to implement, so even if this ISP was popular with Danish surfers keen to use TPB, it wouldn't stop them for long.
The comment by the IFPI lacky that this sets a precedent and highlights the illegality of TPB yada yada yada is the typical bullshit rhetoric we've come to expect from these scum-sucking fucktards. As TPB are keen to point out, in their home country (which may or may not be the home country of their users) their acts are not illegal.
I'm getting really bored of this shit now. It really is time that these associations realised that there are people who use resources such as torrent sites because it's easier and less hassle than going down the official route (yes, I'm talking about DRM mostly). They need to start catering for these people by offering what it is that they want. Sure, there'll always be people who won't pay for stuff and will steal it no matter how cheap/easy-to-use you make stuff, but there comes a point where it's not worth spending vast sums of money on the small number of these people. They're not a minority at the moment because all custoemrs are being shafted, but if you make things truly accessible then the majority will become paying customers.
Paris - because she's blonde, like lots of Danish girls.... but she's a lot uglier than most Danes.
...or thereabouts. Ok seriously, I have to questions that need answering.
1. How come the "entertainment" industry have royalties? If I make a "gadget" for example, I can only sell it once and the customer can use it as many times as s/he wishes without having to repay me, yet the music industry has royalties and strict controls over what can be done with their products even after selling?
2. The Pirate Bay only holds the info to where it is, not the substance. Therefore, by logic, the Yellow pages is illegal as it's telling you where "possible" illegal products are.
Grump over.
they are nether running or hiding !!!
what they are ding is no more or less legal than what google and all other search engines are doing... just because the music/movie/game industry want to claim that for every movie music file or game downloaded is a lost sale (which is just not true) and that they are going to go out of business unless TPB is shut down,
Astonishingly, they seem to be "running and hiding" in full public view. This is Sweden, a country with at least some aspirations to civilization. Although of course the civil tyranny of the rights-holder mafia has set in here too, it has a ways to go before it reaches the flabbergasting, "phormidable" levels of assault on the person endemic in USUK.
Paris, because her privates are sacrosanct.
Let's not forget that the main police forensic person, was working for Warner Brothers while working on this case...
Let's not forget that with no copyrighted data on the site, it's not an infringement of copyright, since they've neither made, nor distributed any copyrighted data...
That a political shift is going through Sweden at present, as more political parties start to adopt the position of the Piratpartiet, regarding copyright...
That Tele2 doesn't actually have any customers in Denmark, and that the Jesper Bay domain name works just fine..
And finally
The EU elections are in June, and with Pirate Parties running in a number of countries (between 6 and 10, depending on qualification for election) the IFPI will find the EU less amenable to bribery - sorry, I meant LOBBYING - and outright lies that seem to be the only way they have to support their position.
Andrew Norton
Pirate Party International
Is anyone going to sue microsoft then, considering all partitions are automatically shared. This of course means anybody can access the data unless they are secured. So lets recap. 25 million users on pirate bay or 660 million pc's most of which have some form of windows OS on.
Now lets get to work on FTP sites.
The IFPI press release is misleading. This is all pre-litigation, and the real court case has not started yet.
We have commented on the press release, and explain the case in english here: http://www.piratpartiet.dk/node/32
Besides this blocking will not be effective. It is easy to get around it, and the front page of TPB has displayed a prominent warning to danish users for some time, with a link to guides on how to avoid the blocking.
Recording industry dinosaurs unable to reconcile themselves to the fact their 'gravy train' days are well and truly over thanks to the advent of the interweb will keep trying to shut down torrent sites and those self-same torrent sites will keep reopening mere days or weeks later elsewhere, business as usual and F*CK YOU.
I've witnessed it time and again. For every site they eventually manage to pull down, another will spring up - you cannot legislate away youthful rebelliousness or technical savvy.
The only 'message' that ever gets sent out when these idiots shut down a torrent site is that it's time to Google up another one... LOLWUT.
An Australian ISP (iiNet - around 5% share of the Australian market) is being sued by AFACT (Australian lackies of the big movie studios) for failing to disconnect filesharers.
It seems AFACT hired an investigator to sign up as a customer of iiNet and go on a 10 month movie download and upload spree. AFACT sent iiNet details of the users downloads and uploads (including the movie names, hashes of the files, ip address used , dates and times).
iiNet did what any sane ISP would do - treated them as unproven allegations of illegal behavior and forwarded the information to the Police (their position being that they will only disconnect people when and if the allegations are proven in court). AFACT refused to assist the police with their inquiries, and instead are now suing iiNet (under the recently transplanted DMCA provisions we inherited thanks to a free trade agreement with the USA) for failing to disconnect the user.
The movie studios seem to be using this case as a test case likely to have implications for not just the ISPs in Australia, but almost certainly the USA as well (given these laws are a cut and paste of the US laws).
What I find strange though is that el Reg seems to be completely ignoring this case
"Danish ISP Sonofon (part of Tele2) has once again been ordered by a Danish court to block the controversial Swedish BitTorrent site The Pirate Bay."
NO, Sonofon is owned by Norwegian incumbent Telenor, not the Swedish Tele2. And NO Sonofon is not involved in the case at all! The verdict and the court case relates to Tele2 a Danish ISP owned by Swedish Tele2.
"However, the IFPI may have picked the wrong ISP: Sonofon does not have substantial broadband operations in Denmark and is losing market share. Also, Tele2 could still take the case to the Supreme Court."
Right, that's because Sonofon is a mobile operator i.e. NO broadband - for Torrent hungry users ignoring the fluffy 3G mobile data option. The Danish Telenor ISP with broadband operations is a company called Cybercity.
The journalist also missed a juicy element of the case: the only expert witness at the court hearing, technical director Kristian Løkkegaard from a security company name Dtecnets Software was a former employee of the prosecuting law firm representing the IFPI. As is plainly stated in the guys profile on LinkedIn, but no one bothered to tell the court that,