Exactly how fragile ARE kids these days, anyway?
I agree that Lori Drew deserves some kind of slow painful humiliation for picking on a kid (doesn't she have adult stuff to do like grocery shop or laundry or hold a job?) and think the suggestion of paedo charges (per post by AC at 20081127 17:03 "So... ") would be worth a shot (if posing as a teenage boy in order to flirt with and manipulate hetero teenage girls is all it takes to earn that accusation, what's the hold up? Let's do it!), but I am also concerned that the charges ("accessing a computer without authorization", wtf? The perp is an 1D10T, not a h4xx0r) stretch the intent of the law to the breaking point and much silliness/ stupidity will ensue.
At the risk of being pilloried next to AC above (20081127 19:36 "What next?"), if the kid in this case was getting abuse on her MySpace page, isn't there some kind of "blacklist" feature she could have used to shut up the meanies if she wasn't up to dishing it back at them? Or, failing that, couldn't she have just avoided MySpace altogether, just as one does not return to a restaurant with shit food and worse service?