Nice bit of kit
I purchased one of these for my iMac. It's an excellent little device, and the DVR software works flawlessly. Thumbs up.
For a company that claims to be a leader in the field of video and multimedia, Apple has always had a strange blind spot when it comes to TV tuners. It’s largely resisted building them into Macs, and doesn’t even include one in its Apple TV set-top box. Undoubtedly, it would rather sell you film and TV downloads from the …
Nice review. Unfortunately, I won't be buying one because I'm in the market for a TV tuner card that can be plugged into my Mac Mini and can receive feeds from my Sky box, thereby turning my Mini into a PVR a la Sky+. It already runs Plex for the Media Centre side, but is missing the PVR stuff. Unless I'm mistaken (which I'll openly admit could well be the case!) this wouldn't be suitable, so I'm all ears if anyone has any suggestions on what would be the next best alternative.
I have an earlier model and it's great... it broke recently (well out of warranty) and was repaired for the cost of return shipping to Germany.
EyeTV software is excellent indeed, you usually get a discount on upgrading to the latest version too - and each time they have bought significant improvements with each version.