Democracy ? We've heard of it, but it's not really for us, you know ?
"A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Justice said .. The power will be exercised only in circumstances where the sharing of the information is in the public interest and proportionate to the impact on any person adversely affected by it."
Well let's see :
a) We don't believe you
and b) when said power is that of "repealing or amending other primary legislation, changing any other rule of law, creating a new power to share information where that power is currently absent"
Then the impact is literally on "any person", all persons in fact. I suppose whether one would consider that the populace is "adversely" affected by giving a Home Secretary the ability to effectively mould the law the land to suit their own particular ends depends on at least two factors, viz whether the Home Secretary is a sane and rational person with all our best interests at heart, and how you feel about democracy, since adopting such a measure would effectively drive the final nail into the coffin of the pretence that we have some.
Example : "A spokeswoman for the ICO told us that information transferred in this way will still be subject to the Data Protection Act."
Until the Home Secretary repeals it because it's getting in her way. RIPA ? Gone the same way*. Human Rights Act ? History. Piff paff pooff. All the protections they afford us, gone. And I personally don't doubt for one moment that the current incumbent of the HO would happily do that in the blink of an eye, because, well, I was going to write something wordy, but like NB says above, it's becoming harder to think of calm and measured responses, so let's go with because she's a vicious, ignorant, power crazed bitch to whom reason is as kryptonite is to superman.
And I still can't get used to hearing the phrase "Ministry of Justice", makes my bloody skin crawl.
*If you think RIPA is a piece of crap, wait until you see what happens without it.