Mac Head - NOT
My friend convinced me to convert to Macintosh when IBM withdrew support for OS/2. I guess I got caught up in the hardware changeover from G4 to G5. I was NOT a happy camper because of that. If I had been told that it was on the horizon I would not have bought a G4 I might have waited the 3-4 months but either my friend was mislead or wanted me to convert no matter what.
The first thing I will say is I am more or less a happy convert, not ecstatic mind you. The first thing I would like to say that MACs are woefully under equipped when it comes to memory. Every new MAC I have gotten I have had to have 16 GB installed on it either by the factory or as a part of the order. My environment demands that, I do not know about others.
My latest G5 when I ordered it I had to additionally buy a bigger video card, for some reason MAC video cards are woefully underpowered and memory constrained.
I also ordered a wireless keyboard and mouse that was the biggest mistake *EVER* with MAC. I tried for two weeks to get used to it for get it It works do not get me wrong I do not train easily is probably the real reason it did not work.
The other thing that I find lacking in MACs is that the HD they sell is woefully inadequate for my environment and I had to order extra internal drives. I also have external drives that are extremely simple to connect (fire wire is GREAT!) although I found out that one of my external drives has to have special software installed on the MAC. MAJOR NO-NO and of course the vendor did not disclose this so I am at a loss that they can say they are MAC Compatible when at best the statement is a bit off, IMO.
The cost of upgrading OS's is about 100 bucks but IMO there is little reason to as none of the new features are needed. MAC OS X is as solid as they make them. OS/2 was probably a bit better but I cannot complain about OS X (except the upgrades maybe).
Apple's SAFARI is average IMO. Nothing great but it works. A lot like OS/2 Netscape it just works except for idiotic sites that test for SAFARI and then complain about it not being compatible. Companies that do that are on my list of companies to avoid that means not buying from them of anything.
I agree with most of the article Apples idea of being a generous philanthropic company is almost laughable when it should be out on the forefront. Apple needs a lot of polishing in that area.
Is a MAC worth it? Yes just for the OS alone. I was really surprised with the transition from OS9 to OS X it actually made the computer more responsive and better able to recover from application crashes. Right now I only have one application that can crash OS X in OS 9 it was 12+ that caused crashes. Even the crash is not easily reproducible so I can't blame the software company. I have had reasonably good luck with software vendors (except 1) in OS X so I cannot complain too much.
Could OS X (and Macs) be better sure but that could be said about any OS (or hardware). I really do not have to boot any more and that is a god send (except for major software upgrades).
I will go along with the idea that MAC is superior to windows any day. And to add an extra comment that makes MACs better is the networking is simple (at least for me).