Regulate the price of "anonymous caller rejection"
If Ofcon wanted to do something about the nightmare foreign telemarketing, they could start very quickly with:
1) Regulate the end user price of anonymous caller rejection to something realistic (eg zero) rather than the current fiver a month at BT, and require telcos to offer the same rejection of "CLI not available" as they do for "CLI withheld".
2) Threaten to immediately withdraw the operating licence/interconnect rights of any telco seen to permit the forwarding of fake or implausible CLI.
My other half got harassed by noCLI calls from the Canadian subsidiary of a well known market research agency a week or two back. Mori got a flea in their ear from her and me, but at least they had the decency to listen to the complaint and offer an apology ("it's supposed to show the CLI, sorry if it didn't").
The usual telemarketing shites trying to sell us timeshare, cruises, etc, don't even offer the luxury of someone to complain to, which is why they get extra-special treatment from me if they do get through.
If Ofcon won't sort it, why isn't ACR generally built into affordable decent answering machines or even DECT basestations (I know a few offer different ring tones for different CLI)? The only gear I've found that offers a *simple* killfile equivalent for noCLI calls costs over £150? Htf does that work?