Government License to the Terrorists
Look, if they don't do this, if they abide by the Data Retention Directive and stick within the privacy law, it would be like giving a government license to the terrorists!
If Parliament turns around and says 'No you can't have this, it's not legal and not necessary', HM.Gov would be force to turn around and write the 'Terrorist Legalization and Licensing Law' to legalize terrorism. Jacqui Smith would be forced to sign into law an act legalizing terrorism! And it will be your fault!
She'd be forced to give Osama Bin Laden a visa to visit Britain too under the Human Rights act too, if it's not illegal how can she refuse?
He could sign onto the dole, claim to be looking for a good bomb plot at the Job Centre , but none are advertised, and he could milk the tax payer for money for years to come!
You don't want that, I don't want that, so it's important that we let the Home Office get it's way and do all the illegal stuff it wants to, regardless of the directive, or Parliamentary law, or the lack of money available.
Look, Jacqui has already faced tough questioning over this by the finest reporters at the Waltham Junior School's Magazine! The Womens Institute has already been roped in to monitor grape-vine communications, now we need to move forward and monitor all communications, especially communications critical of the government!
The plan is to first monitor the communications of children, to protect them from anti-social stuff, then roll it out to pilots, who because of their important role must be monitored for suspicious thinking, and finally to willing citizens up and down the country!
Why only yesterday, a member of the public came up to Jacqui and demanded to have their communications monitored for signs of terrorism! She said "I don't hate Britain, so please can I have my communications monitored"! It's true and Jacqui doesn't make stuff up!
We will extend the monitoring to include "suspicion of sympathies with other political parties, like the BNP", "suspicion of growing lethal pot" etc.
[This was a NuLabour, All Snuggling communications]