"which also resulted in an injunction against him that effectively prevents him from accessing Facebook for any reason ever again."
how the hell are they going to enforce it ?
I bet hes back on facebook right now lol
Facebook has won a $873m judgment against a Canadian sued for spamming users of the social networking site with "sexually explicit" messages after hacking into the profiles of its members. Adam Guerbuez, of Montreal, who runs Atlantis Blue Capital and Ballervision.com, was ordered to pay exemplary damages by US District Judge …
And then sue the smouldering ruin until he effectively can't afford to own money ever again.
Any way if this creep got access to user accounts through "fraudulent use of a computer" surely they can lock him up for that, I doubt many Canadians would object to his extradition.
I'm more than a bit hacked off with spammers pushing dubious super willy aids, mucky films, etc. Some of the subject lines are not just explicit, but crudely so - and it must be mortifying for people who have a "family" email address, to have this garbage appear where children can be exposed to it.
I'm no prude - I'm 58 & grew up (as much as I ever did) in the 60's so I've probably BTDTGTTS and am fairly unshockable.
I just don't like 5-12 yr olds being exposed to this dross.
Fine these ungodly spamming wretches huge amounts, bankrupt them and totally dispossess them - and if the authorities find they have even one undeclared cent - 50 years in the slammer.
The Internet, the web in particular, wasn't intended for use by children.
I think it's time to reverse the way we do these things. Instead of assuming all websites are suitable for kids and then flagging a small subset of smut outlets, assume no website is suitable for children and enumerate the small set that are intended for tots.
And put the onus on parents to ensure their kids don't have access outside the kiddies' playroom. Easy enough to do with software, easier than the present ineffective method of trying to block indecent sites.
And, as we all know, US courts juridiction covers the whole universe, known and unknown. The guy clearly desserves to rot in hell, together with scammers, MCSEs and Flash -and Silverlight- developpers, but 1) the fine is ridiculous (that's a flaw in the US judiciary, the same that allows prison sentences of several thousand years) and 2) why the feck was the case trialed in the US?
Your economy being a total wreck and your society being medieval should not be an excuse for behaving as arrogant twats.