And now for news from Eurasia...
The NOW (New World Order) mob are at it again…
They are predicting that if The EU, China, Russia and India do not merge with the USA to create the NOW… “We are all doomed Captain Mainwaring… doomed”. The powers that be, have such tiny ape-like minds that they believe that their form of “intelligence” is somehow superior to that of ordinary folk; consequently they have been milking this “tyranny of the majority” form of democracy, for all it is worth, and perhaps what this US “intelligence” organisation sees, is that the people of the EU may increasingly be seeing that it is a piece of crap.
This is just a symptom of what happens to all imperialist empires, and the USA is no exception, they will become ever more belligerent, and will continue to attempt to “democratise” the world. The USA version of democracy, also shared by the EU government, is to get everyone to vote on a regular basis, but simultaneously ensure that the vote is completely meaningless.
The EU is having trouble with this at the moment, they have until recently been of the view that sham democracy is vital to the future of Europe, but with the recent referendums in France and The Netherlands have realised that it merely retards the onset of the NOW.. They thought they had overcome this by producing the Lisbon document, which superficially says that every sperm (human right) is sacred, however when one scratches just below the surface, one finds the EU version of the NOW lurking. Then, along comes little Ireland and exercises a bit of democracy, and the powers that be, realise that even the smallest sliver of genuine democracy has to be removed from the EU. The EU council of ministers is frantically working now to eliminate this threat ever rearing its ugly head again. We don’t yet know how they are going to attempt to hoodwink the Paddy’s, but they going to attempt it soon, they see that getting their own way is vital to protect their own unproductive existence.
They have been successfully ignoring people’s votes in the other large national blocs for centuries, so no problem there.
The ONLY place where democracy is taken seriously is Switzerland, where people of all racial, religious and demographic backgrounds live peacefully side by side, and quietly control their federal government, whilst at the same time being the richest per capita in the world, even though they have nothing more than ice and rocks for natural resources. What is more, they have been doing this for more than 700 years.
For the USA and EU, this is a horrific prospect and a model which has to be downplayed at every opportunity (they are all mad… they are really boring etc. etc.), imagine the prospect of the president of the EU or USA, driving his/her own car, having to do a proper job for most of the year because the pay for being a part-time president is not enough to live on, at least to the standard which befits their lofty status, of not having any bodyguards, or horror upon horror… being told what to do by the voters!
So basically this document is just the usual shit from an ironically named organisation of a type that exists in all the large power blocs, an “intelligence” think tank ha-ha… ha-ha-ha- ha- ha…
Ha – ha – ha – bloody - ha.
The real truth is that the future of mankind lies in the smallest possible demos (perhaps a few hundred) co-operating peacefully with its neighbours, and one achieves this, by only passing up competences that cannot be managed at this smallest level. The most important competences that are not passed up, at any cost, are the ability to change the voting system, and the ability to make war.