Not easy to view the source code?
Sounds like your "experts" are as uninformed as 0.2% of your readership.
I just located and viewed it in under 30 seconds simply by Googling for "urchin.js".
Here's the link:
Simply fire that link up in Chrome and you get the full source code. Here's the first few lines for the doubters:
//-- Google Analytics Urchin Module
//-- Copyright 2007 Google, All Rights Reserved.
//-- Urchin On Demand Settings ONLY
var _uacct=""; // set up the Urchin Account
var _userv=1; // service mode (0=local,1=remote,2=both)
//-- UTM User Settings
var _ufsc=1; // set client info flag (1=on|0=off)
var _udn="auto"; // (auto|none|domain) set the domain name for cookies
var _uhash="on"; // (on|off) unique domain hash for cookies
var _utimeout="1800"; // set the inactive session timeout in seconds
var _ugifpath="/__utm.gif"; // set the web path to the __utm.gif file
var _utsp="|"; // transaction field separator
var _uflash=1; // set flash version detect option (1=on|0=off)
var _utitle=1; // set the document title detect option (1=on|0=off)
var _ulink=0; // enable linker functionality (1=on|0=off)
var _uanchor=0; // enable use of anchors for campaign (1=on|0=off)
var _utcp="/"; // the cookie path for tracking
var _usample=100; // The sampling % of visitors to track (1-100).
//-- UTM Campaign Tracking Settings
var _uctm=1; // set campaign tracking module (1=on|0=off)
var _ucto="15768000"; // set timeout in seconds (6 month default)
var _uccn="utm_campaign"; // name
var _ucmd="utm_medium"; // medium (cpc|cpm|link|email|organic)
var _ucsr="utm_source"; // source
var _uctr="utm_term"; // term/keyword
var _ucct="utm_content"; // content
var _ucid="utm_id"; // id number
var _ucno="utm_nooverride"; // don't override