off for a ride
I'm sure he'll accidentally give his family the wrong date so he can have those 5 seats and his lovely lady all alone up there
Formula 1 champ Lewis Hamilton is planning to stump a cool £625,000 for five seats on a Virgin Galactic flight, according to the Evening Standard. Hamilton will be joined on the space jaunt by girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger, dad Anthony, stepmum Linda and half brother Nicholas. A source said: “He is on the way to becoming the …
I think it's unlikely Evil Ron would allow Lewis to do this. Look what happened when he let Juan Pablo Montoya play "tennis". Ron would rather be forced to be honest about something than let "his boy" risk his life in a home made upper-atmosphere-bothering machine.
I would look forward to the RonSpeak© reason for refusing the request though.
Mines the one with the goldfish bowl helmet attached...and the toolkit unattached.
"Your call is in a queue and we will answer as soon as one of our advisers is available..."
"Good evenings, Sir. My name is Chandra and you are through to number one internet providings company VirginMedia. What is the problems with your internet providings, Sir?"
Probably. Remember this is not "real" (orbital) spaceflight with thousands of tonnes of exploding chemicals underneath you, the maximum speed will be around 3,000 mph (compared to 17,000 for an orbital vehicle) and there's no re-entry to go through (converting the 17,000 mph worth of kinetic enrgy to heat) so the main dangers of spaceflight just aren't present.
Compared to racing at 200mph with other cars all around you and lots of solid objects nearby, it's probably a lot safer.
Who in their right minds would go up into space on the same ship as Signourney Weaver?! Surely thats just asking for all sorts of really nasty trouble? Ripped apart, burned, blown up, left behind, melted, squashed, impregnated, frozen, asphyxiated, scared shitless, beaten up, shot etc etc etc.
They should get the Virgin spokesperson quoted to sit next to her, see how funny she thinks it is once she's encased in alien gunk and then had a foot long tongue shoved down her throat...
Mines the one with the acid proof lining that I just cant get to like any self respecting soon to be slaughtered nameless extra.
Has been around for years, so I doubt he would be the first, even if they both had the room and the time to squeeze into the toilet.
At least if they decided to do it in their seats they would not look as revolting as the 40-somethings sat in front of me on the China Southern Airlines 747 from Amsterdam to Hong Kong last month,, YUCK!!!
Flame?? ROCKET EXHAUST!!!!!!