back to article Christmas NXE comes early

Microsoft has released its New Xbox Experience (NXE) earlier than expected, but only to gamers signed up to the preview scheme. The software giant’s spokesman, Major Nelson, said on his official blog that everyone who applied to the preview - and submitted a valid console ID – will receive the download “within the next few …


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  1. Matt

    trading standards here we come!!!

    'connect with your favourite people and enjoy more games and entertainment online than with any other device connected to your TV'

    more so than my PC thats connected to my tv??? the last time I checked, more online content and games were availiable and compatible with that than some console....

  2. Anonymous Coward


    Got offered this update earlier, seemed to install just fine, when it restarted, it played a flashy movie, then.... nothing.... Now it just boots up to a blank screen. It's got power on it, but the display is blank. Rebooting/Resetting does not fix it.

    Phoned Microsoft, and because it's outside warranty, and not a RROD, they want £180 to fix it. Not amused.

  3. Marco Alfarrobinha
    Thumb Down

    @ AC 16:42 GMT


    Go back to your PS3 and stop being a troll.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    Yes but can you play a single game on a level playing field or do you as most PC online gamers do, get owned every time by the nerd with his £5000 gaming console thats 100 times faster than yours?

    And name one online game for the PC thats outsold the likes of Halo 3 or Gears of War?

  5. Anonymous Coward

    @Marco Alfarrobinha

    Not a liar at all. I'm not paying Microsoft £180 to fix the 360 (in all likelyhood, paying to get a replacement refurbed console).

    However, I now do have a PS3, I bought it this morning, funded by trading in all my 360 games. I'm done with Microsoft and their constant stream of probelms.

    I feel this NXE was rushed out because of Playstation Home, just like Microsoft rushed out the 360 with serious problems because of PS3. History repeating, it seems to me so.

  6. Iain

    @ACs, both of them

    Both World of Warcraft and Counterstrike have more players online than Halo 3 or Gears, I believe.

    As for the 'broken' 360, does it do that if you take the hard drive off first? You're the first bricked 360 I've heard of from the NXE, and quite a lot of people have it, so it makes me suspect the problem is data related.

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