back to article Amazon's cloud spreads into content delivery

Amazon's ever-cumulating cloud is today rolling into the business of speedy Internet content delivery. The online bookseller today flipped the beta switch on Amazon CloudFront, a new service that caches high-traffic content on the company's worldwide network of edge locations so it's always near the end-user for low latency …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    United States of A

    WTF I've heard US of A, USA, United States of America, but United States of A never.

  2. Austin Modine (Written by Reg staff)


    Don't tread on me!

  3. Mike Flugennock

    I'm back in the...

    @ AC 11.18 23:59 GMT: Actually, these days, it's more like the USSA.

    @ Austin Modine: Hey! You! Get offa' my cloud!

    Sorry; El Reg has been reporting on "cloud computing" for so long without doing a Rolling Stones reference...somebody had to do it.

  4. gabor
    Thumb Down

    pricing by location

    great. that makes cost planning easy, and invoicing a treat to verify.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Prices change daily?

    A pricing calendar no less, do prices change daily then? :) I'll assume you mean calculator.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Poor mens CDN

    It's dirt cheap but you pay for what you get: plain web caching and some DNS routing. Low service level, no support, no streaming, no statistics. And setup is horribly difficult. CloudFront is the poor mens CDN!

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