Neo Whats?
Can't think of any good ones. I'll just go and look for some on the internerd.
It's come to our notice that you, our beloved readers, do take a close interest in the destruction evolution of the English language, as exemplified by the inclusion of "meh" in the Collins English Dictionary and the elevation of "wiki" to the OED. Like it or not, when it comes to neologisms the interwebs are a fertile …
- but I still like 'woot!'. As an expression of joy, it pretty much encapsulates 'whooping with joy' into a word in an almost onomatopoeic manner.
I also like 'Wiigii!'.
Recently, in the Dungeon's & Dragons Tiny Adventure application on Facebook, the following terms were born:
Mars'd (or marsed) - Indicates a string of bad luck, particularly in the realm of gaming and technology. Servers down? They've been Mars'd. Rolled a 1 nine times in a row in Iron Man? Totally Mars'd.
Jindra'd (jindraed) - The opposite of Mars'd.
And, the crème de la crème: Wibble!
If anyone can define 'wibble' for me, go ahead.
Well, they're all going to be popular choices, aren't they? The only two I could possibly vote for are fucknuggets and asshat, though, with a slight preference for the latter.
As far as more internetty words go, I like 'blogosphere'. Using it in polite conversation is the perfect way for someone to indicate to me that they are desirous of being punched in the face.
Twatdangle is going to get my vote if it makes it into your list, but I now regularly use the following in verbal communication:
* Bum Hats
* Meh
* kthanxbai (you MUST imagine that said in a tone that drips sarcasm, can only be used to describe a user dumber than a cat and as readily distracted by shiny crap)
* luser
* lart
* Yarr (ok, not really a word, but it's a nice sound)
* I'd use BofH if it tripped off the tongue a little more clearly. It goes into written missives a lot though.
Pirates, because I get to say Yarr again...
I always liked this one from IRC (which I suppose is not technicly "teh intawebz"). It's fallen out of favor over the last decade or so, but "re" which is short for "re-hello" or "hello, again." It was useful when modems got disconnected.
most of my other favored ones are actually the classic millitary abbriviations, im sure we all know and love.
Well, I used to hear it (wibble) in conjunction with the word "whinge" quite often. I assumed it was kind of like simpering, but more blatantly whiny.
A "wibble" is also a smiley. like the icon I chose for this comment.
Personally, I nominate the following :
Sotong - S.E.Asian word for squid, also means an annoying forum poster who asks the same newb question over and over again.
IAH'ed - To be repeatedly F*cked over by IAHGames, or for that matter, any other game hosting company. IAHgames are a subsidiary of The9, if anyone gives a sh*t.
LeeJunMing'ed - Or LJM'ed : To have your brain fried to a blackened pile of smoking fail by bad grammar, horrible english, and the realization that some sotong has just made the same damned post 100 times, but worded it slightly differently.
I made it up a while ago.
*Asshat* has always been close to my heart.
Fista - as in Windows Fista - again one of mine, although a common thought that lots of people have also had - perhaps it was a collective subconsciousness thing, or perhaps Fista is just so shit it was inevitable. I hope Windows 7 is called something like Windows Regina or Windows Lucky or Windows Country or something else easily mangleable.
Pie-agra - nothing gives you the horn like a warm, moist pie.
There's probably loads more...
For Twatdangle, which is my favourite of the lot including all of it's derivatives. I think I got up to ten when the topic was new.
Anything ending in 'tard i find excruciatingly irritating except for celebutard which does a perfect job of describing the kind of person who goes in for Big Brother of one of those `Help! get me out of here ´ type of shows.
Strangely, most of the web based phrases that I have come across and find funny or interesting seem to come from El Reg more than anywhere else.
Before I go I must decry the increasingly appalling standards of the English language, when I was a boy, if we made any grammatical mistakes, either spoken or written we were flogged to within an inch of our lives and made to sit in a pit full of scorpions and apart from the scarring and a slight limp ( and a prediliction for leather straps) it never did me any harm.
FTFY is just a wonderfully sarcastic little coining.
Haven't seen it in a long time, but 'Microshafted' used to be popular a decade ago, and perfectly summed up the feeling you get when you had to rebuild an NT4 server because it had eaten its own filesystem.
Mine's the one with the twatdangler hanging from the pocket :o)
FAIL as a noun, and always in caps.
LOL and hence LOLcats.
Wibble of course, but that probably falls into the old Reg days before the Inquiscism.
Adding -ster to the end of a word (like Regi?)
And finally, use of the phrase "skills shortage" to highlight the fact that the speaker/writer is incompetent at recruitment/retainment of staff.
You all forgot the uber explicative of utter mindless excitement and interjection--ZOMG!!!!!!1!!!! (The typo'd 1 is required)
Of course it may be proper noun in its creation, but, Google, v., to search the massive interweb and glean useful junk only after the 4th page of results. (ex: "Just Google the words 'fuck nugget' and you should find the answer to pr0n.")
... may I offer my utmost contrafibularities to El Reg for their continued diversification of the English vernacular.
Twatdangle indeed. (In fact, through typo, I just verbed it - "to twatdangle" - "Good day honey? No, I got twatdangled by that twunt in marketing."
Chesticles is an "epic win".
I must be getting confused, I thought I'd seen 'twatdangle' as 'twatdongle'... maybe its just me finding an IT angle in everything. Still, either is good.
Fucktard gets a vote too, my expletive of choice when driving.
And I've always liked fuckmook, but that comes from a film, so its probably not allowed here...
There was an email doing the rounds a good while ago where you added or removed one letter from a word to get a totally new meaning:
My two favourites were:
Osteopornosis - def'n: a degenerative disease
Sarchasm - def'n: the gulf in wit between the person cracking a joke and the wuckfit who doesn't understand it.
Although not webisms I also like Spoonerising sayings to avoid obvious profanity while getting the meaning across, like:
wuckfit, the bogs dollocks, and fupid stucker..
Swearing IS Big and it IS Clever.
Just not in front of my mammy - four foot nine of fury with a step ladder and a mean right hook!!
'If anyone can define 'wibble' for me, go ahead.'
wibble –interjection
1. An exclamation popular with 16th centuray Genoise noblemen. Usualy used while standing on a bucket with a live frog pinned to the shoulderbraid, as was the style at the time. (You will note that this is largely misquoted elsewhere on the web).
2. An exclamation denoting mental distress, as would be utterred by a crazy person.
Source: Oxford English Dictionary, E. Blackadder edition.