Rights? What rights?
A secret hearing that was CLOSED TO THE DEFENDANTS?!? Well, sure, you have the right to confront your accuser. But you don't have the right to be a party to your own trial, nor the right to defend yourself, apparently. Welcome to the USSA. Sorry, that's not fair. I think modern-day USA is probably worse than cold-war USSR (even McCarthy would be shocked by the "anti-terrorism" laws and policies we've enacted).
Seriously, what does this idiot think gives him authority to control the entire world? I know the US has historically thought that the whole world revolved around it, but it's getting really ridiculous at this point. Who in their right mind would think it's acceptable to shut down global commerce because it's illegal in his own backyard (even though it's perfectly legal elsewhere)? Such a person can no longer be considered intelligent, reasonable, or a member of a first-world nation. Hell, third-world nations don't even try to pull that shit. What makes this judge any different than the pirate ships over in Iran? Speaking of which, this judge stealing the domains because gambling is illegal in Kentucky would be the same as Iran stealing the domain names of Playboy, Penthouse, etc since pornography is illegal in Iran. But for some reason, I doubt this judge would support such an action.
Remember boys and girls, gambling is bad. It'll make you lose your hair, give you warts, make your breath stink, give you gangrene, kill your friends, and poison your food (oh, and for you computer geeks, it'll also replace your porn with images of Janet Reno and her under-arm waddle). That's why we made it illegal -- to protect you. Yes, gambling really is that bad. Unless it's gambling on horse racing. That's good. Gambling on horses will take away that not-so-fresh feeling and get you laid tonight. Oh, and government-sponsored gambling such as state lotteries, Keno, and scratch tickets. Those are good, too. In fact, they're so good, I think we might have a shot at resurrecting Jesus if we can get every US citizen to buy a $20 scratch ticket today, especially if you go take part in your church's Bingo game immediately afterwards (another form of good gambling).