Neither is Steel.
Mine's the one with holes in time for pockets
"How's that paperless office coming along then?" the Boss asks enthusiastically as he enters Mission Control on his daily constitutional. "Paperless office?" the PFY asks. "Yes, you were saying the other day that we should go to paperless." "No I was saying how our printing and copying contract was extortionate," the PFY …
Back when I was studying in my country's National Univ. we also had a "special" cafeteria. They had a very broad menu that consisted of three staples: sausages, plain white rice and lentils.
Oh joy, when they tried to vary the menu, you ended up with jewels such as: bulletproof pork rib, eternally chewable beef stew and the mystery soup. I did notice that whenever they varied the menu, the local homeless dog and cat population dropped down a notch or two. To make matters even better, most bathrooms were paperless indeed.
The washing shirt icon because it illustrates your options when you find that there is no paper. Socks, shirt, or your undies.
""So we could get..." the Boss says"
This is a boss that's actually on the BOFH's side...! That is far too unrealistic - everything else the bofh does has a sense of realism, but this is just going way too far!!!
I hope the PFY remembers the director's hidden luxury bathroom when he's doing his 'paperless' rounds :)
Nice one - and with nostalgia too.
This took me back to 1967 when I was a sixth-former - and a little escapade involving Phenolphthalein** and the coffee-urn in the Masters' common-room.
Sheer poetry in motion(s).
AC for obvious reasons
"Go" 'cos they all did..........
No-one then knew it could be carcinogenic, and the school chemilab was awash with the stuff...
..when I was a teenager and worked in a restaurant. A friend of mine worked for a pharmacy and gave me a roll of labels that said: "May cause discoloration of the urine or feces" I was bored one day and spent a few minutes affixing them to our stock of canned vegetables, all perfectly lined up, and in the same spot on every container. The owner came in and noticed them and hit hit the ceiling. I remember a frantic call to our supplier with him ranting and raving. I'm sure that our supplier rep had no idea what he was ranting about and thought he'd taken leave of his sanity/needed some sedation/had a mega-dose of crazy for breakfast.
I have to admit I was worried there for a moment with the boss actually in on this plot but you delivered brilliantly Simon. Taken me several minutes to compose myself enough to be able to write this.
Reminds me of when I was doing technical support for a major ISP, our cafeteria had what was lovingly called the "wheel of death" with various and assorted dodgy items in it. Not surprisingly no one ever actually saw anyone re-stock the thing. They either were ashamed or didn't want anyone to know what was actually being put in it. However it went well with the "microwave of doom" which you had to actually press a button to stop, if you just opened the door like you would any other microwave the thing would keep running. Though it was terribly funny watching the new people jump like frogs and yelp like kicked dogs when the thing reached out and "bit" them.... Ah the memories. And yes the restrooms were largely paperless as the cost to constantly restock them would have bankrupt the company.
Actually Jim, the English aren't the worst for frying food. The Scots will deep fry just about anything, including mars bars and pizzas. I think they need a layer of fat though - it's so cold up there.
As for frying your beer - I don't think that would work. Adding beer to the batter mix works beautifully though :)