Hah, that gun safety video is classic.
I like how the room freaks out when he goes to handle the machine gun, your credibility went off with that shot mate.
/Paris, cos she knows how to handle a weapon
This is short and sweet - big time law enforcement fail in Texas, courtesy of FAIL Blog: A good effort, but for the all-time classic try this 2004 gun safety lecture in which a Drug Enforcement Agency operative demonstrates why you really shouldn't play with a Glock 40: And before you start crying foul, here's Snopes' …
Before I begin, let me say "sorry" for being out of touch with the youth of today (I'm 27 going on 80).
"Law enforcement fail caught on camera"
I don't understand this "fail" stuff, surely it should be
"Law enforcement failure caught on camera"
Sorry to be boring, but can someone explain the origins and meaning of this "fail" thing, so I can join in, be one of the crowd, and find it funny as well?
As in an exam that can be a pass or a fail, its colloquial. If you expect grammatical correctness from news headlines you will be disappointed everywhere you go. Including the ones who should know better like the Guardian and Telegraph and so on. I think you need to chillax.
Did that cop in the classroom actually shoot himself? He seemed to be walking with a limp after his little accident. I think he got his message across that its dangerous to play with guns - so well in fact that I doubt any of those kids will want to be anywhere near another one again.
I hope that cop in the classroom was fired for what he did - it could have easily had been pointing towards a child... and the fact he was pointing it towards the classroom upstairs when he attempted the first shot is criminal.... I can't believe he even attempted a second demonstration with a bigger gun! lol
Well he was asking for it. You treat all guns as loaded. Syaing "This is an unloaded glock .40, see" is going to get you shot by pure sods law of guns.
The class was very calm until his assistant brought out an unloaded rifle. I think the mention of the word 'unloaded' is what unnerved them, what was the stupid fool going to do to prove this one was not loaded?
Neither link is working as the content is no longer available. Is there actually anything left on Youtube or is it just a bunch of still images with no video content attached?
(they need to tidy up the vast swathes of dead links their search engine returns as it's bloody frustrating to find owt)
OT rant over...
You aren't going to like Ted Dziuba then. His Reg column is titled "Fail and You" and very good it is too.
Anyway back to the article - where's the IT angle? Who cares, because it's fucking brilliant. I for one will never tire of cops tasering themselves and I think there should be a satellite TV channel devoted to it 24 hours a day.
In fact, there may already be one.
Re. the taser, I presume there will be a court case for the absence of label like "point this end at target", "keep own body parts out of the way when discharging" and "this may hurt"..
Re. the discharged gun, the guy's an idiot, there is no other explanation. At least he didn't point it at people but I'm unconvinced that wasn't by accident either. First I'd be interested to know why a round was chambered at all unless ALL public places in the US have become dangerous (not just colleges), secondly I'd like to see the guy's training records because it's supposed to be standard procedure to clear the chamber after removing the magazine to render the weapon safe. IMHO he puts his force to shame.
At least the kids were paying attention, I too wouldn't have trusted this guy with anything more complicated than a stick after that stunt..
The cop tasering himself is pure comedy gold. I hope his supervisors send him back to "weapon handling 101" before releasing him back onto the streets.
Now the nut ball with the .40 in the second video. I hope he spent a very long time riding a desk if not outright sacked over that incident. That accident could have easily turned far more tragic due to his incompetence.
I visit that site every day. You never know what kind of SuperTard will appear. I think some of my personal favorites are the lady who said that the gov'ment was putting something in the water because a rainbow appeared in her sprinkler, and the one where someone wanted to have their computer desktop picture to be a mirror; scanning a mirror didn't work and wanted to know how to make it work.
Mine's the one with "Epic Fail" and an arrow pointing down on the front.
Ok, at least he didn't point the gun to anybody else; in fact that's one of the first rules when handling guns: "Don't point it at anything you don't want destroyed."
And remember, same rule applies for Tasers, except it reads something like "Don't point it AT YOURSELF unless you want to feel like a BOFH victim!"
Sad thing is I've seen a couple of cops discharge their weapon accidentally at the rage, and then get pissed when the range master insist that they unload their weapon and leave . It's stupid but what happens is they wrap their finger around the trigger as they pull it out of the holster. Some of this is do to bad training were they tell the cop to put their finger on the trigger guard as they pull the weapon out. Problem with that is you finger can slip.
OK, time to break out some old jargon:
Everyone knows that a severe lack of winnitude results in failage. As illustrated by "Steve didn't grok any of the questions on the test. Fail-fail" which, of course, is also a perfect demonstration of verb-doublage.
<sigh> Oh, were have all the ol' hackers gone? Virtual South?
"Re. the discharged gun, the guy's an idiot, there is no other explanation. At least he didn't point it at people but I'm unconvinced that wasn't by accident either. First I'd be interested to know why a round was chambered at all unless ALL public places in the US have become dangerous (not just colleges), secondly I'd like to see the guy's training records because it's supposed to be standard procedure to clear the chamber after removing the magazine to render the weapon safe. IMHO he puts his force to shame."
That is the only way to carry a duty weapon. If you don't have a round in the chamber, you have one more thing to do before being able to fire. Glocks have no toggle safety, only internal safeties designed to prevent the gun from going off until you are ready. That is as it should be.
As for standard procedure being to clear the chamber after removing the magazine, absolutely. Even then, treat the weapon as loaded. For a public demonstration, he should never have drawn a loaded weapon. With even an ounce of common sense he would have known to bring an unloaded weapon (not his duty weapon, which should always be in a ready state) for demonstration purposes.
It boggles the mind that, according to the Snopes page, the DEA's response to the video included launching an investigation into who taped the incident because the undercover DEA agent's identity was revealed. Big fucking surprise; publicly display an undercover agent, in uniform, and somebody took pictures!
Dumbass needs to lose his job, and spend some time in prison for brandishing a weapon and endangering the public.
As for the Taser cop, no Youtube at work = fail :D
I think we need a FAIL icon now. Please?
"In the USA a cop has a gun on him , its loaded at all times no matter were they are at"
tbh i think guns are less dangerous than tasers, they're extreeeeemly unlikely to cause heart problems unless you hit something important near it (or the heart itself for that matter) with a bullet and they're probably less painful given that tasers spread their pain all over the body cuz they be electricity, an effect that could potentially make someone who might be particularly enraged/bullheaded at the time more intractable and violent. But thats ma opinion and thats just meh.
Looked like the cop was booting over the tased cop? Unless i'm ahem, failing to see which one is tasered and which ones aren't?
Mines the one with Taser-proof lining
I don't think he was asking, "why was the gun loaded?" but rather, why was it in a such a state that just pulling the trigger would fire a round. Surely if it was loaded but first need cocking (Ie no round in the chamber) then it would be far less likely to erm accidently discharge. Also I'm not an expert but I'm reasonable sure that other than the trigger, there is no saftey mechanism on a Glock 40.
Are Glocks standard sidearm for police now?
If not, then there's no need to have ANY ammo at all in the pistol. They are either armed with an official sidearm or unarmed. They can't replace the sidearm with another because they'll be demoing how to shoot yourself in the nuts with one at school.
Mark, the other possibility is "state 0, none in the chamber/chamber empty". Also referred to as the "Shoot Me" mode, or "Please wait while I unjam this semi-automatic peice of crap".
Striclty speaking, double-action revolvers are the safest firearms as you can rest the firing pin between chambers, you can see quite easily if there are any rounds loaded and it won't go off until you pull the trigger. Oh, and I've never, ever heard a reliable report of a revolver jamming....
Mine's the one with SWAT stencilled on the back and the ceramic inserts all round...