It's pointless.
They actually knew this kid was in danger, having a database to help them wouldn't help.
The reality is that if some social worker, hating men like they do, encountered a dad who'd managed to get custody in spite of what they tried to fit him up with and showed some SS employee their baby with serious injuries, they'd be in jail, and the kid would be in care, but if a mother does it, they believe everything she says, and try to get more and more resources.
The problem is that social workers have arbitrarily picked genital type as the means by which they relate to child killers. The parent can be tall, short, rich, poor, black, white, protestant, catholic, placid, violent, or anything else, and they'll find that irrelevant and consider only the baby's welfare, but if you share the same type of genitals as a social worker, she'll think you're a victim, who is just unlucky.
This is why a database is a waste of money. They know who the kids in danger are, but they're just incapable of believing mothers can do that.
Not a single social worker has been sacked.
I therefore propose a questionnaire for new employees.
Q1. Define the difference between "helping" and "feeling like you've helped"
Q2. Define "abject failure", "avoiding responsibility."
Q3. Being a social worker involves tough choices. So imagine you're in Africa with limited food. do you,
a. let 20% of the kids die to feed the others.
b. let 10% of the kids die to feed the others.
c. let 5% of the kids die to feed the others.
d. completely cease to operate when faced with this choice, you're a liberal thinker and can't make unfair or distasteful conclusions, so the only option is to have a breakdown, and fall to pieces until a man, or the police, or a government bails your useless arse out, but then reserve the right to criticise how they solved your problem, and demand equal pay for it, which is a perfectly acceptable position to take.
Q4. A system you have devised has failed, no matter how many resources you've thrown at it. Do you,
a. Throw more resources at it, and get press reporting banned.
b. Throw even more resources at it.
c. Throw even more resources at it.
d. All of the above.
e. Form a collective.
f. Acknowledge that the taxi driver was right after all.
Q5. Explain how a steam engine works, and the IDE bus, and a fridge.
Q6. If someone didn't have a clue how one of the simplest inventions ever invented works, should they really be trusted with looking after children? Discuss.
Q7. When a taxi driver says "I was belted and it did me no harm." invoke liberal socialist logic to demonstrate that his view that physical punishment works as proof that he is harmed, despite him believing it not to be the case.
Q8. Explain why, if a mother really, really, really loves her children, then everything will be alright. Include references to Harriet Harman's Hansard comments.
Q9. Contrast and compare Tiger Woods, Lewis Hamilton and the accused in the Damilola case, to show that under the influence of their dads, Tiger and Lewis may be financially successful, but they're losers in life, whereas in the absence of their dads, the accused in the Damilola case were infinitely more successful, in their own way. Explain why baby P, in the absence of his father, will go on to achieve all that Tiger or Lewis could have, despite being dead.
Q10. A person holds the belief that police should be prosecuted for shooting shotgun firing lunatics on the Kings Road, Russell Brand should be sacked for upsetting someone, and Paul Gascoine sacked for slapping his woman, but overseeing the death of a baby despite having seen him sixty times, is not a failure and should be without consequence. Explain why this belief is perfectly reasonable in the context of Harringay SS department.