Thius piece absoutely made my day - I read it about half an hour ago and I *still* can't stop laughing. Awesome way to report otherwise drearily dry news!!!
Genetics boffinry IT chiefs in Arizona are overjoyed today to unveil their new and incredibly fat pipe, which will be used to transmit staggeringly enormous amounts of scientific data from the labs where it's generated to the supercomputer where it's processed. The new link runs from the Translational Genomics Research …
just very short songs.
10gig sdh * 32 channels on a single dwdm has been commonplace for 5 or 6 years now.
40g is developed but not really sold.
Alot of the research $$$ has gone into getting adaptive optics to work - getting lamda configurable line cards.
alot of the carrier $$$ has gone on making better use of what they've got.
maybe the headline should have been "new optical network deployed, first for 2008".
mines the one with MOR hanging out of the pocket when I left that industry.
Heh that reminded me of a scene in Super Troopers where the guy is using the speed gun to see how fast he can wank it. Nice Job
On the 2MB a song one
Remember this is all on an iPod so figure all of the songs were bought there then 2MB a song is probably right.
Please note the speed of th BIG FAT PIPE is "up to" 18,000 Megabit/s so you might not necessarily get that speed..
If you subscribe to the BIG FAT PIPE, this is a capped service, and is based on the amount of data that you download or upload via your BIG FAT PIPE access each month ("Usage Cap"), your usage must not exceed that Usage Cap each month. The current Usage cap for the BIG FAT PIPE is 100TB,
If you exceed your Usage Cap, your download speed will be reduced to 256Kbit/s for the rest of the month.
If, in subsequent months, your usage continues to exceed your Usage Cap, we will continue to contact you to ask you to reduce your usage immediately or you account will be terminated.