Disgusting "churh"
But are they not basically all about the same thing, power and money.
No, that is bad thinking and my mean soul. There was a time when the church and all flavours of religion had a very needed and strong inpact on us and our society. But that was then.
And now, if something like Scientology attracts people it only shows that part of us is sliding back down, and that the church has been burocracied, used to easy money and lost its sting.
To day we need the church for awfull things like getting rid of dead people without stumbling and feeling stupid. Priests do it better and the venue is more impressive.
The same goes for weddings and all kinds of state circus happenings.
So there is a lot of room for all kinds of new scum to fill the vacum and collect loose money and pray about power.
I have not read the book, but I do wonder, do thay actually have any other goals than money and the ego of the insiders.
Headhuntig perhaps, Butin, Berluschoni (or what ever), just kidding, I hope.
On the other hand they have some scalps already like the Tomb Cruiser.