One AC calling BS on the AC...
"In a county that's 75% democrat as most urban Iowa counties are, there is no purpose in republicans throwing voters off the rolls."
I can't find a single county that went over 70% for the O. Lots of 50-60%s on both sides of the line. If most urban Iowa counties are 75% Dem. they're not very *good* Democrats. Are you sure you've got the right state?
And the purpose, even in the Dem. majority counties, is to lower the total state Dem. total. EV are awarded by state, not by county. Are you sure you've got the right country?
Given that you've predicated so much on that 75% figure which, if in some sense is correct ISN'T for the important Pres. election, I'm going to just ignore those dependent statements. ie, the last 2 paragraphs.
"The author acts like every single voter that was dropped was a democrat."
No he doesn't....
"Where's his proof?"
OTOH, the Republicans showing up implies it. Unless you want us to believe the GOP, with it's record, showed up because too many Republicans seemed to be voting?
Sure, you *could* view the GOP as selfless defenders of democracy against the teeming urban hordes, who're just champing at the bit to commit electoral fraud. In pretty much the same way you can believe that most counties are 75% Dem.
(Yet, in the GOP's defense, a preventative-strike IS more or less stated Republican policy.)
"It should be easy to find. Just go to a rural county, and see if people are getting dropped there, too... If the author is unwilling to participate in finding these people who generate such a horrible workload for him, ... then I have to ask myself "why not?"."
1) How do you know the author isn't?
2) There's an obvious answer: He has better things to do.
2.1) Or he doesn't have the time.
2.2) Or he doesn't consider himself a liar.
2.3) Or he doesn't share your bizarre beliefs about Iowa.
2.4) Or he's paid attention to the GOP's previous actions.
2.5) Or ... well, that's enough.
3) Why should either or you? An absence of voters being dropped would only imply it IS the GOP up to no good. The presence of voters being dropped doesn't clear the GOP - maybe the Dems. are just as bad, or maybe it really is just the system. But, in either case, the article is about what the author experienced at his polling place: Voters trying to vote, GOP shows up to see about stopping them. (Did you catch mention of the poll watchers lending him a hand? I didn't.)
Aside from the erroneous facts all you seem to be offering here are ad hoc speculations on the author's actions, character, and the state of other counties. Speculations you do nothing to resolve - it's just FUD. Or, to put it another way, bullshit!