It is time...
to bring back don't you think?
BitTorrent Inc. - the San Francisco company still hoping to make some money from Bram Cohen's world famous p2p file sharing protocol - has apparently laid off about half its staff. According to a source chatting with The New York Times, the outfit sacked 18 people today - the same day it announced the appointment of a new CEO …
100% of the workforce being laid off.... do we need the slightly misused P2P thats so heavily misused by the people that think all copyright material should be free from costing them anything. Also do we need P2P when its responsible for spreading so much malware, viruses and alike.
I think not.
so thinking along Darwinistic lines their DNA is about to become extinct ( maybe Richard Dawkins' postulated Memes might survive ) , probably just like where I work ....ahem....
I feel a monty python sketch about Norwegian Blue Parrots brewing ( about this and the wider economy )
Are there any bankers we can lynch, and stick videos of the lynchings on youtube ?
I feel like I need to blame someone ........ ( about the economy that is )
Nah, Chrysler is nearest to going titsup: GM will be talked into a "merger" (you know, like when you complete a merger with a bacon sandwich) which will drag the pair of the them down before the remnants are passed on to the highest bidder, who will most likely be Indian. Ford will just about keep its head above water, but it will be bloody. Oh, so very bloody.
Or, using your logic:
"Do we need the greatly misused [WWW] thats so heavily misused by the people that think all copyright material should be free from costing them anything. Also do we need [WWW] when its responsible for spreading so much malware, viruses and alike.
I think not."
With such a generalization, you can insert whatever you'd like in place of "P2P". You can insert WWW, as I've done here, or you could insert "HTTP", "FTP", "Usenet", Internet", and even "computer".
Do you see the flaw in your logic yet?
And before the days of p2p do you think there was no piracy then? People have been swapping files and copyrighted content since the days before the internet existed in any form we see now.
God I remember dialing into a local BBS with my acoustic coupler, certain HTTP download sites, FTP sites, newsgroup (still the best way to get your files), DCC sessions in irc. Hell plain old emailing people.
Bittorrent is just a file transfer method, it can be used for any means legal or non legal. This company was investing in legal means of using this file transfer method, something that should be applauded.
Give people the means to share information with each other and guess what they will do? they will use it. Some people will use it for legal reason's some not but all in all its not the technology that's the problem its how its being used.
Excellent hypothesis.
We should also ban beer because the plastic rings used to hold cans together kills birds, ban knives because people get stabbed, and ban cars because they (used to) cause death by CO inhalation when feeding the exhaust into the main cabin.
As with all things, you need to know how to use P2P properly to benefit from it without being caught bare-arsed.
And stop trolling!
> By all means, don't use it. Oh, you thought Bittorrent going under would suddenly cause P2P to cease?
Ha. Love the irony of an obvious torrent user using the "if you don't like it, don't use it line".
I bet you don't like the music industry either - but rather than just not using it and hopefully sending a message that causes them to change their business model, you just rip off other people's stuff. And yes, you are slightly shafting the big companies, but you are also shafting the musicians too.
Hope the freetards don't win - we'll end up with no content what so ever coz all the musicians are working at BK to make a buck.