Independent cartoon
I recommend that you have a look at this.....
Those of you who believe the BBC is inexorably drifting away from hard-hitting, insightful journalism in favour of lowest-common-denominator populist piffle will be relieved to know there's still one reporter out there willing to file essential analysis of today's key issues. And today's key issue is, of course, just what kind …
Yes, I've seen them. My wife was once at a market when a woman, replete with false fur and nose in the air, passed with some strange mutt on a lead. What is this strange dog, my better half inquired, us being doggy people and all.
"It's a Yoodle, dear, a pedigree Yoodle." the old dame replied, nose still sniffing the Stanlow fumes, whereupon a Scouse stallholder chipped in with the best pull-down I've ever heard:
"It's a bloody Heinz 57. No, bugger that, it's a Pot Noodle. Now sod off before I boil a kettle."
The mutt, apparently, was a Yorkshire Terrier - Poodle cross and its owner was well known by the stallholders for affecting airs that didn't match her background. Now, a peanut for anyone who can formulate a "Google."
What do you mean by "...those of you who believe the BBC is inexorably drifting away from hard-hitting, insightful journalism in favour of lowest-common-denominator populist piffle"... I wasn't aware it had ever been anything other than that, certainly not in the last ten years. I don't think the BBC could ever be accused of conducting proper investigative journalism - or at least, that which has been done would almost certainly never see the light of day - the truth isn't very
No, this seems fairly par for the course for mainstream news outlets, perhaps just a little more blatantly retarded and obviously irrelevant than usual. Certainly no worse than the whole Ross/Brand farce, which we should apparently all be up in arms about. Never mind the rights and wrongs of killing kids in foreign countries for cheaper oil, let's stand up together and united against this outrageous answerphone message. ..
Keep looking this way people, never mind that over there, look here, isn't this interesting and sparkly?....
Tell you what - f*ck Osama's dog (literally if you like, I'm sure it'll make front line `news`), and Ross and Brand - how about doing some cutting edge investigative journalism about the massive ongoing fraud being commited by the World Bank, the IMF et al, and the Wars which you and I are funding (like it or not) with the taxes that are leeched (read: stolen) from us at the behest and for the privelege of some enormously wealthy public schoolboys club, which could quite frankly pay for it out of their own pockets and probably not even notice the difference.
"Comfort the Afflicted - Afflict the Comfortable".
I concur with Greyhound / Poodle. That gives you the speed and fluffiness.
Of course, show Googles should be properly groomed with a "Google clip". This involves shaving off most of the hair to leave apparent text* advertising a range of relevant services.
*As seen on the back of a right twat's head.
"Inexorably drifting away from hard-hitting, insightful journalism in favour of lowest-common-denominator populist piffle "
Including the Reg... I remember when it was all about IT. Recently its become like every other red-top.
Anyway - labrador retriever - can't go wrong with a dog like that - although in the original article on the BBC I was impressed at the president who got 2 alligators!
>Including the Reg... I remember when it was all about IT. Recently its become like every other red-top.
Oh yawn. Bootnotes is easy enough to avoid. If we took all the silly off here we'd never hear the end of it. Besides, we have irony on our side, see?
>Anyway - labrador retriever - can't go wrong with a dog like that
Yes you can. They get fat and roly and they are boring. There I said it.
God, it's only 2.30.
The proportion of bootnotes or BOFH stories on this site that have an amusing comment along the lines of "you owe me a new monitor/keyboard" in the comments section is surprisingly high - I really thought people would have learned by now not to read The Reg and drink coffee at the same time.
Socks wasnt his pussy (surprise,surprise) but he also had a dog Buddy.
Calvin Coolidge beats them all two lion cubs, an antelope and a hippo to name but a few, accord to the fount of all wisdom or wikidom is you prefer.
*oodles are a way of separating idiots from their money.
You want a real hunting dog that is hypoallergenic?
Get a Standard Poodle. And get one from a REAL kennel club recognized breeder. My 9 year old Standard helps me take many ducks and geese every year ... and my nephew who is allergic to dogs just plain loves him.
Personally, I think the Obamas should look into Whippets, but I'm biased :-)
Sarah wrote:
>Dogs are very odd.
No. They are not. They are dogs. Canis Familiaris. They have been hanging out with humans for a LONG time. If you try to make them into something they are not, you might wind up with something "odd" ... or, more likely, you'll wind up with something dangerous.
As a side-note, Goldens (and other hunting dogs) only "get fat and roly and they are boring" if their owners are clueless about diet, exercise, keeping their minds active, and entertaining the punters.
>There I said it.
Yes, you did. Proud of your self? How old^Wyoung are you, anyway?
Get 'em a cat. A Cornish Rex to be exact--they're one step up from the hairless Sphinx and sorta look like Obama already, IMO.
Oh, and Sarah? Labradors are considered ideal Canine Companion dogs due to their selectively bred traits, such as their gentle mouths and high intelligence. We have a reject living with us--she only failed the last exam due to a shorter than ideal attenton span. (Canine ADD, we call it. Can't even properly focus to play with us for extended periods of time.)
Whatever breeds make up a Google, surely it would be omnipresent and omnipotent, but have the fatal flaw that it interprets everything you say as an order...
So if someone invents a canine-operable computer, keep it well away from a Google in case it 'accidentally' launches a nuclear strike against Iran...
>But they're known as "panda bears".
No. Koalas are NOT known as Pandas.
>As for what dog, I recommend an all-American mutt.
Agreed. Some of my best dogs have been Heinz57s.
> or a JRT
Not unless you have a job for the dog. JRT's need to WORK, or they get destructive and/or loud and/or fat. Probably not a good match for today's Whitehouse.
> (pure showbreeds have too many health problems).
::snort:: Your ignorance is showing. If you do the research to find a good show breeder, you'll find that they breed away from bad traits. Bad hips, bad eyes, cancer problems, and etc. do NOT make for a good, high quality show line. Puppy-mills and back-yard breeders, on the other hand, don't give a rat's ass. At least in this country ... England may be different (are UK Kennel Club members now breeding bad lines? I honestly don't know ... ).
In the states, if you want a GOOD purebred dog, go to an AKC registered breeder (no other kennel club need apply). You'll be able to see the health of the ancestors of the dog for yourself. I have personally met all of my dogs parents, most of the grandparents, and occasionally several greats back.
A good breeder will allow you to see vet records & etc for your new pup's ancestors. I have my dogs pedigrees going back 8 or 10 generations, and I can research them even further back if I want to. The breeders I'm talking about are PROUD of their lines, only breed quality, and pay close attention to genetics. If you ask for it, they'll happily give you a 4 hour dissertation on the health of your new pup. These people are more into dogs than I am into technology ... "dog geeks", if you will. They LOVE to talk about their breed of choice.
Yes, you'll pay quite a bit for such a dog at the outset, but you will probably not have massive vet bills later down the line.
Don't believe me? Attend an out-door AKC dog show in your area. Talk to breeders.