I knew it!
The americans doth protest too much! All that anti-gay was just a smokescreen!
Poor old Paris...
The US Navy, often at odds with environmentalists, made a move which might please the green community yesterday. The service has awarded a $3m contract to a company producing wave-power buoys, intending to use them in an oceanic sensor array. The cash goes to Ocean Power Technologies of New Jersey, which has been working on …
Big spider-like machine which can float along on ocean currents, converting up/down motion of its arms into electrical power. Dump them in one side of the ocean, then pick them up at the other with full batteries. Course, it wouldn't take much to militarize the idea and have them turn into war-of-the-worlds-esque fighting machines ready to Destroy All Humans when they run aground at the other end ...
Just read it in English. No accents involved unless you're the one who is not a native English speaker. Or are named after a city in a country that is not known for being populated by native English speakers, such as Paris.
With apologies mes amis, mijn vrienden, mis amigos, i miei amici, 我的朋友