Yet another launch
of a crippled ship.
Don't see the point of this without the wi-fi capability.
Vodaphone; FAIL
RIM's BlackBerry Storm will finally arrive in Vodafone’s UK stores on 14 November, but fans wanting Wi-Fi would be wise to delay their purchase. Storm_01 RIM's BlackBerry Storm: no Wi-Fi... yet Storm boats a range of connectivity options, including quad-band GSM/GPRS/Edge and HSDPA 3G, but not Wi-Fi. However, Tim Burgess, …
What is it with RIM? They produce the Bold full to the brim with connectivity options, then they bring out the Storm and the new Curve but neuter each by removing one connection type! No WiFi, No 3G - crazy!
It just leaves the Storm open to critics that it's not going to be as good as the iPhone because it hasn't got WiFi - why RIM, why?
I'll stick to my Bold until they bring out v2 of the Storm.
Vodafone aren't offering WiFi because they want you to use their network and therefore get your money. I guess they will want to recoup the investment made in this Vodafone "purpose built" device before offering WiFi later which will reduce their revenue.
Also VOIP may not be possible when WiFi eventually does come, going on Vodafone's previous tactics of 'phones like the N95 with their firmware having it disabled.
""Vodafone argues that punters won't need Wi-Fi because its HSDPA network is sufficient. Well, maybe if you live in a city or major town. If not, you'll be connecting at no more than standard 3G's 384Kb/s and in outlying areas not even that.""
So outlying areas have WiFi hotspots do they? I think you'd be far more likely to find a 3.6 Mbps HS cell nearby than a WiFi AP. If you're talking about using your own AP, fair do's, but you can't claim that public WiFi has a bigger footprint than HS!
The screen feels pretty weird to press, waiting for it to release each time will slow down touch typers.
Wifi speeds far outdo any of the other types of transfer on smartphones these days. It will be far in the future when anyone can be believed when they say "the mobile networks are sufficiently fast that wifi is not needed".
I'd have a damn sight more respect for them if they just openly said "we care more about profit margins than your ease of use and connectivity". We all know it's true for all the operators, why do they still bother lying and alienating people even more?
Do you all not realise that Vodafone were pushed into releasing a BlackBerry with Wi-Fi....... They are following the HSDPA route as O2 are with EDGE, only difference here is the likes of Orange, T-Mobile and 3 will happily release Wi-Fi devices to entice the custom to their depleating networks.........
Wi-Fi is not a policy of Vodafone and won't be for some time...