two words (ish)
pwned b*tch!!!!!!!!
The Home Secretary's fingerprints are missing, and being held by No2ID at an undisclosed location. Earlier today, No2ID General Secretary Guy Herbert told The Register, a water glass thought to have Jacqui Smith's fingerprints on it was 'borrowed' from a Social Market Foundation event where Smith was speaking. And, improbably …
Far from wanting to rain on anyone's parade, but what are they actually going to do with her fingerprints? Commit a crime and leave the glass at the scene? Sell photocopies of them as a Christmas novelty? Come on...
It's like photocopying a passport and claiming to have cloned it - you're not going to fool an imigration officer with a photocopy.
As for Mr Brown's fingerprints, you're welcome to them. You'll find them on my door handle, keyboard, coffee mug, mobile phone, iPod, car keys... Help yourself.
Yes, that is my real name.
> I believe there is a demand, now, for cards - and as I go round the country I regularly have people coming up to me and saying they don't want to wait that long
Jacqui Smith - Home Secretary<
So, she's been trolling the mental hospitals then. Thumbs up to no2id. Death to Phorm.
Well, go through the Manchester airports as Jaqui. Register some new users with her fingerprints (this will ensure that if JS ever wants to apply for something, she won't be able to get a card because her fingerprints are already on the database and she must be an imposter).
I get a strange feeling of Deja Vu here. I think this exact same conversation went on when the bet for the collection of these fingerprints were on El Reg.
Does Gordon not read responses? The gordon on this site, that is, We KNOW that Gordon Brown doesn't listen. Well, he may listen, but if you don't say what he wants to hear, he'll ignore you, which isn't a lot different from "not listening" in results.
"the first people who should be fingerprinted and given ID cards are the MPs. Their details should go on the database first to demonstrate how safe it is for the rest of us."
Indeed, just like John Gummer's daughter and the beef burger during the BSE crisis.
Either put up, or shut the fuck up.
Well, she did top the 'politician we'd most like to finger' poll carried out by some lesbians a while ago, so perhaps it was inevitable...
And people saying they want ID cards immediately?
She's delusional - she obviously thinks that all the cat-calls of 'Papieren, bitte' are people asking for ID cards.
Loony old cow.
Mine's the one with no identifying information whatsoever in the pocket.
"But I believe there is a demand, now, for cards - and as I go round the country I regularly have people coming up to me and saying they don't want to wait that long."
Suggestions for the "people" in question...
1) Other People's Totalitarian Government^W^W^W New Labour MPs?
2) Companies with (or likely to get) ID card contracts who fear if we change administration the whole lucrative lot has a danger of being flushed down the toilet?
3) Talking to herself while looking at the mirror?
One assumes the rather empty pre-registration list will be "accidentally" populated from some other data source - after all, they've proved to be extremely proficient at copying the stuff to USB keys and CD-ROMs, so why not into another database?
>the first people who should be fingerprinted and given ID cards are the MPs
Someone buy this man a beer!
Can we also extend this to include all pollies only getting a state pension, trialling the new recycling and bin restrictions and any other policy they are happy to apply to us but not themselves?
All govt policy should pass the "dog food test". If they won't eat their own dog food why the hell should we?
The consultancy firm that they hired to do the fesability study,
the companies that are going to tender to produce the system,
the companies that make the cards and readers,
the companies they hire to lose the data etc.
All are dead keen on ID cards. Especially if they know that they will never have to deliver, as the chances of Gordie's mob getting in next time are about as much as Paris getting the Nobel prise for physics.
The only thing that could make it a bit more sticky is if they somehow sneak in some method that makes it incredibly difficult to cancel, or a few more terrorist attack attempts just as the vote is going through. Who wants to be seen as soft on tourism after all..
Now all we need to do is setup a web site, which has high res scans of everyone else's fingerprints and the ID cards (well, the fingerprint bit at least) will never work.
Of course, if Jacqui is to be believed, it doesn't matter because the scanners will be able to tell if the 'finger' is alive or not. No, really.
In other news, it's funny how she and Gordo hadn't handed over their fingerprints, what with how secure the fingerprint scanners are going to be.
Paris: because she doesn't think things through.
How, exactly, are you going to register Ms Smith's fingerprints for anything? The person overseeing the registration process would have to be blind not to notice that you're not using your fingers to create the reading.
You might as well take a koala with you and scan it's prints.
And yes, by virtue of my reply, I can confirm that I do read responses!
The first people into the database shouldn't be the MPs, it should be their children. The first sets of medical records into the NHS grid should be the children of MPs. And so on.
Nobody else's children should be expected to go in before those who sponsor the database. If it's not secure enough for Gordon Brown's children (WITHOUT VIP flags), it's not secure enough for mine.
well its very true, people can't wait.
You won't be allowed to wait, there will be penalties for those who try
so in one way it is true to say people can't wait. since that will be against the rules.
these prints need to be made into latex gloves. so everyone can share the same prints ;-)
This post has been deleted by its author
Firstly Sampler - seconded. If someone uploads the pic we can get these sorted! Will El Reg store sell them for us? :-)
ideala2 - please be nice about "those who work supermarket tills" - they're all better at maths than A Darling / N Rock / R Boss, all of whom were taught by G "i hid IOUs under mattress for the next generation to find") Brown
I think you're all missing the point.
Sure, you can fake fingerprints, but you'll probably need to fake irises and facial features too as there will need to be live scanning to back up what's on your DNA, I mean ID card. Then if anyone is using someone elses fingerprints fraudulently there will be CCTV footage, from the shop where they bought supplies (whatever they may be. Not to mention a trail if they bought by card...which will probably be mandatory in the near future so all purchases will be traced back to you- there are also ideas floating around about buying things in future by giving fingerprints, instead of using cards and pin numbers) and CCTV covering so many places that there will be footage of the criminal leaving their house, all the way to the bank (or wherever) and if that's not enough, we have extra evidence as their position will be tracked by their mobile phone, which will be registered to their full name and address when they bought it, and everything they've been looking at online will be available to back up the fact that they're a bad person and once searched "ID cards" or "fingerprints" on google.
That is if they haven't decided to go ahead and just chip us all instead. I guess it would save a lot of money at least.....
The standard technique is to use gelatin. You treat the fingerprint to make it visible, using superglue fumes. You then photograph the fingerprint and use the photograph as a stencil to etch a copper plate. You then use the plate to mould the print in a thin sheet of gelatin, which is the stuck on you own finger with a gelatin solution.
The fake print is invisible to casual inspection, and has been shown to work 80% of the time. Breing gelatin, the evidence is simply eaten if at risk of detection.
Paris, because I am sure she knows all about being fingered and faking it.
Most of the comments would seem to indicate that the major failure here is that neither the government or the media have managed to communicate to the public even a basic understanding of the principles of biometric verification or identification.
As Gordon Brown (the other one!) pointed out - what would anyone do with someone else's dabs?
Any scheme based on the confidentiality of biometric data would be deeply flawed.
AFAIK, there is no suggestion that this is being proposed.
Wasn't that the slang term for orbital artillery (ie large - and very heavy - rocks and huge great fsck-off depleted uramium rods dropped from great heights) in some sci-fi novel series?
In which case, please be careful where you point the Finger as we don't want unncessary destruction of famous British buildings...
Mine's the one with "Nuke the shite from orbit. It's the only way to be sure" emblazoned on the back and the lead lining.
Yes, remember how Harriet Harperson demonstrated to all the world how bog standard comprehensive education was acceptable for the children of Labour voters, but NOT for the children of Labour ministers? I think I heard that our Tone also pulled strings when it came to his own child(ren) ?
It's the one with a "Get into a Grammar School Free" card in the pocket.
No, No, really she is right: I would love to have a few official British ID cards, particularly one in the name of Jacqui Smiff, one in the name of Gordon Brown, a David Cameron, a Charles Windsor, a few of my bosses at work - I think you get the drift. At least this is one step closer to me getting the first on my list.
And getting everything that is on the 'John Lewis List', twice.
I very much doubt that the fingerprints will be printed on to the ID card - they'll be encoded on the chip, along with other biometric data.
The photo? Well yes, that'll be printed on the card.
And yes, I know it's possible to clone the data on the chip - but unless you are the identical twin of the card holder it isn't going to help much.
PS: Isn't "biometric data" a great term to instill fear? The phrase "facial measurements and eye colour" just isn't as exciting...
... Invite Jackboots Jacqui to make a speech on the value of ID cards at your local Students Union etc, then, as she gets to the door, have officials standing there demanding to see her ID because "how do we know you're the *real* Jacqui Smith?"
Then make her stand there for ten minutes (preferably in the cold and rain) whilst you go inside and "check the details"...!
"Brown's still up for dabs"
Laughed so much, it made me drop my pint. Fuc*king pricey here in the Frozen North. And it was Newkie Broon...
'Course, why should Whacky Jaqui worry? Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. That's why she doesn't need curtains in her house...
Titter. (actually, I'll pass on that one....)
You clone the chip.
You put YOUR pic on it.
You are now THEM. How many people are trained to work out signatures? So why are so many people looking at the signature? Because that's what they must do. Whether it is genuine cannot be assessed but that isn't in the job description.
Similarly, Whacky's prints will be on the card. Your pic will be on the card. And Jaqui won't be able to get herself on there because there's a collision in prints.
NOTE: what is stored is a hash effectively of the print, not the print itself. So you have no proof that you "stole" Jaqui's prints, since you don't HAVE the prints you used on the card. And anyone who knows that the print isn't on there will then know that it's possible to have a collision between two numbers in a hash.
So how does Jaqui get an ID card???