back to article Spanish cheesemaker launches ovine Lolitas initiative

Spanish cheesemaker Quesería Artesanal de Sacramenia is offering aficionados of underage ovines the chance to adopt their very own lovely little lamb as part of its My Linda Ovejita initiative. In return for stumping as little as €6 a month, godparents can name their lamb and get snaps of it, plus exclusive access to live …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    spanish id required?

    So no chance for new zealand's sheep lovers? maybe the webcam pics would had been filtered anyway because of underage ... no clothes ... and sometimes even freshly shaved...

  2. Craig


    ...I'd always heard that joke made about Aberdonians. Am I still banned?

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Baaahd Me

    Velcro Gloves.

    But seriously? Why pay for a lamb if you don't to enjoy it properly - and by that i mean stuffed (no you sick person, I'm not We... a taxidermist) with garlic and rosemary and served with roast potatoes, and some mint sauce. Om nom nom.

  4. Dave


    This sounds a lot like Extreme Porn to me...

  5. alan


    "Oh yes, the first person to post a comment containing either of the keywords "Welsh" or "wellingtons", is banned from El Reg for the traditional month."

    ok i wont then

  6. Dave Ross


    mmmm, cheesemakers.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    spanish id required?

    Perhaps they're worried that the residents of Wellington (NZ) would welsh on the payment?

  8. Andy G

    Id but . . .

    . .. must be pictured wearing welsh wellies !! ! !

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    A land where the men are men and the sheep are scared...

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Do they accept NIE

    I've got a Numero de Identidad de Extranjero.

    Mmmm... juvenile mutton.

    The dirty mac, thanks.

  11. anarchic-teapot

    You forgot

    to ban the words "velcro gloves" as well.

  12. Badg3r


    NO mention of velcro trousers in the ban list though....

  13. Anonymous Coward

    Banned for using ***** or *********** about "Cliff"?

  14. Paul

    Banned ?

    Surely you meant baaarred.

  15. Sam


    Q; Why have men in a country to the West of England started wearing kilts?

    A; Because the sheep have got used to the sound of zips.

    ....You forgot to ban "slam in the lamb" jokes, as well.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Or that classic song

    "Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep" and it's advice to "Knock off the fleece Give them some peace.

    Don't be a barn door man! "

    Warning signs, electric fences, high voltage (now that sounds kinky!)

    Where's the sheep icon when you need it?

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    tut, tut

    would paris approve...she's a baaad girl.

  18. Alan Ferris

    Been there and got the....?

    Sorry, couldn't resist

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up


    Yorkshire porn for €6 a month?

    Sign me up!

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