Thats right
You never hear about the crims who're not caught..
Thanks to a new breed of detergent, getting away with murder isn't the daunting task it once was. In the past, removing telltale murder stains was next to impossible. Even after multiple washes, blood-splattered clothing could still lead the police to your front door. But according to experts at the University of Valencia, …
I wonder what would've happened if he had used Vanish instead of waterlogging his car. Then again, maybe the only difference would've been that the cops would've found him washing his passenger seat; and he had that "How to get away with murder" book in the car anyway.
Fortunately, it seems most murderers aren't very good at cleaning evidence, even with the proper tools.
Nope, that doesn't wash (oops). "Jack the Ripper" is a label for an unknown killer or killers who was / were responsible for a series of murders which evidence suggests are almost certainly linked.
World + Dog has a theory on who it was, but there's insufficient proof for any of them to say which one done it.
You can certainly say that you've heard of "the Jack the Ripper murders", but you cannot say that you've heard of the criminal responsible. Just because you can get away with slandering the dead doesn't make it right.
A far better example would be to come up with a named criminal who is known to have been responsible for a specific crime or crimes, but has eluded capture since. Osama bin Laden springs to mind here.
Now, I can do away with my g/f.
Ta muchly. Great help. So, i'll pop down to my local German-owned LIDL (Valtatie 31, Tuira, Oulu, 90500 Finland) and get some.
But, as the article says,
<<The majority of criminals are not that smart. They don't do things as you expect them to and read this kind of news>>
Er, ....
Quote TeeCee = "You can certainly say that you've heard of "the Jack the Ripper murders", but you cannot say that you've heard of the criminal responsible. Just because you can get away with slandering the dead doesn't make it right."
What are you on about? Or just, what are you on?
"Jack the Ripper" was not originally a label, it was used as an alias or assumed name; in some of the correspondance claiming to be from the killer some were signed as "Jack the Ripper".
Killer or hoaxer, if the police could have caught him they would have pressed criminal charges as far as they could, as they were under pressure to make any sort of progress.
The police files referred to the Whitechapel Murders, not "the Jack the Ripper murders" as you make out, but the name has been made infamous through the media and the person using that name committed criminal acts of one level or another, and was never caught. Hence my perfectly valid example.
Back in your pram, youngster.
You lot do know you can buy Hydrogen peroxide in most Chemist shops for less than 99p right?
It's a powerful oxidiser (that's cleaner to you) and leaves only water and oxygen behind..
Add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of sodium from Tesco (look in the cooking aisle) for a few pennies and you're ready to commit the crime/clean of the century.
I'm amazed so many people have forgotten you don't need to buy £2-3 bottles of cleaners when the basic chemicals, which are readily available, are pennies.