What have Copper Nano Tubes got to do with the iPhone?
Yes, we know it's childish, but we couldn't resist bringing you this crisp autumnal Monday a bit of a classic from our chums down at ZDnet, whose sub-editors were evidently suffering this morning from a touch of pub flu: ZDnet front page which asks: Is Steve Jobs just being awkward when it comes to not adding features such as …
This can be added to any phone that has wap, just google key porn words & thats it ;-)
I were going to suggest another version of getting c**t & paste involving putting your phone to vibrate & slipping it into a ........ no wrong time & place.... bysides that c**t paste not c**t AND paste - oh yes it is.... never mind.
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The meaning changes depending on whether you imagine commas, or not; I don't want to think of a lady's genitals and sandwich filler at the same time, but now I cannot think of anything else. Those two things, together, are now dominating my mind.
We need a Sarah Palin icon - perhaps a little picture of Palin shooting a moose, or something.
It seems as though the article was written by a 10 year old:
"Is Steve Jobs just being awkward is not providing these features?"
" I wondered that maybe the oversight was simply an indication that Apple was new to the handset market and wanted to get a handset out and then roll out new features over time "
Doesn't anyone bother to check articles before they are posted these days.
...switches iPhone / iPod Touch into 'Select' mode. You then simply drag to highlight the characters desired as per regular desktop OSes. (The current magnify widget that pops up could be triggered instead by a double tap or work with the clipboard function.) Anyway, once the selection is made, an on screen pop up menu (like the one that appears when you hold down a finger on some continental keyboard characters) would provide the appropriate clipboard options: Cut, Copy, Paste etc.
The mind boggles how Apple can produce brilliantly constructed products and then compromise them by skipping on one or two almost essential features or design flaws, such as the curved back of the iPhone that makes it wobble on a flat surface, or the missing stereo Bluetooth on all their iPod family devices? Is this cost cutting, rushing to market, Steve being silly or to get us to buy the next version?
Hey Webster, you really are a funny guy! Much funnier than Shelley the republican ever was.
You did notice, didn't you that this was an item about ZDNet's rubbish sub-editing - not an actual critique of Apples inability to supply beef curtains with their Jesus phone.
Troll on, Mr Phreaky, Troll on......