Please daddy
"Please daddy, I so want to be a sexy as an iPhone. Please please please. I'll even give that Vodaphone woman a hand Mr Job.s" "No! all the sexiness is mine" screamed Evil Steve as he counted all his cash. Equivalents.
Vodafone has priced up Research in Motion's touchscreen BlackBerry, the Storm 9500, and it's going to giving it away. Well, sort of. The iPhone-like handset will come free of charge, provided you're willing to cough of £35 a month for two years to get access to Vodafone's network. Storm_01 RIM's BlackBerry Storm: yours for …
Errrrm I have tried REALLy hard to see why you 1 aimed your comment at me or 2 think I was praising the iphone. I pointed out that the one AC was clearly defensive about the price of the iphone when nobody had in fact even tried to claim the Storm was better value than the iP!
That was very, very obvious!!
Oh and in response to your educating comment about who Blackberrys are aimed at, I'd like you to know I am in fact typing this on my Blackberry. Mine. Not a work one. Mine, and my third in a row I might add.
You really did miss the point there didn't you!
So if we take the title of your comment at face value... Jog on down to the O2 shop boyo your iphone is waiting.