possibly nsfw
..but at least she knows to floss regularly:
In other news, this whole mess at least gets rid of R. "never that funny" Brand. I hope GB makes a load of money from the publicity, too.
The main lesson from all of this (other than the Faily Mail is full of tossers, which we knew), is that the market "reforms" introduced in the beeb in the John Birt era are stupid. The situation is that R. Brand's "production company" made the show, the producer was his employee. If you're working for a partially-shaved simian with a single-digit mental age, and you need to tell him "stop that, you're being a dick now", you're faced with insta-sacking. The poor producer did try and stop it, but due to the weak tie between the BBC body corporate (settle down at the back) and "independants", he didn't really get backup from the nonsense middle managers at the beeb who "manage the relationship".
Essentially, trying to run public service like a business doesn't work. Public service is about getting the most done with the money available, business is about spending the least possible to squeak by, maximising profits. There's a subtle but important distinction there. What's more, when Birt brought in his "market reforms", he massively increased money wasted- as all the independents need to replicate a lot of admin and the like, which is then factored into the programming cost. Both in the BBC and the NHS, these "market reforms" have increased transaction cost on common operations from circa 5% to something in the order of 35% in a lot of cases. Reducing everything to the lowest kneejerk laissez-faire "wisdom of the markets" common denominator provides terrible value and destroys the cohesion of such organisations, filleting them and making it impossible for them to provide proper service. Of course, then, the market geniuses get all excited and yell "look! they're inefficient!" and use this as an excuse to outsource and privatise more. Sigh.
Sorry, wall of text crits you for 10k. You die. In other news, G.B. is rather cute if you like 'em gothic and feral (which I do).
Laughing, in the mechanism.