David Who?
David Who?
He exits as Tennant of lost BBC corporation
The logo looks like REG should be relabled BBC
David Tennant will step down as Doctor Who when he's completed filming on the four special episodes slated to hit the small screen in 2009-2010, the BBC has confirmed. Tennant will also appear in this year's Who Xmas special - entitled The Next Doctor - before handing over the keys to the Tardis to a new resident for Series 5 …
I reckon it should be Catherine Tate as the new Doctor.
If the technology is that far advanced then regeneration as a female should be a normal occurrence. Tate is now a seasoned Who character and there's no knowing what she and the Doc have got up to - or any assistant for that matter.
Nah, not Rose 'Because I Want To' Tyler, too obvious, too much pandering to the 'any female assistant has to be fuckable' lads mag commentators.
(yes, you do hear the sounds of goats and a 'ricketty-racketty bridge'. fodder for the Twat-O Tron folks)
Time lords have 12 regenerations, however there is precedent for them getting more (the master in the old series, and umm.... the master in the latest series). Plus we still have his daughter out there somewhere if they do eventually run out (possibly kill her off and have her regenerate into someone who would be less annnoyign as a main character)
Paris for the next Doctor!
Although only because I have nostalgia for his role in Neverwhere (Great tv show).
I sadly fear that Russel T Davies will have a hand in the end of Tennants doctor so it's likely that 'the Doctor's Daughter' will come in and fill the role when this current doctor dies. (Kinda like Saw II - yep shite).
My vote still stands as it did last time with Eddie Izzard for doctor.
Well, since they've already trashed the Doctor Who brand, taking it from Cult Sci-fi and making it a Saturday night family special with 2 comedy guests per episode (oh, look the bad guy this week is Ainsley Harriot mummy), why not go the whole hog and have a guest Doctor each week too.
You could get the current load of easily pleased 'Who fans creaming by engineering ridiculous plots where Billy Piper is the doctor for a bit, and Tennant comes back as a space alien Santa for a christmas special.
caffeine addict> "I thought there was some rule that Dr Who could only regenerate 9 times. Doesn't that make Tennant the last Who ever?"
Mark York> "Time lords have 13 lives, from 12 regenerations."
...and in "The Deadly Assassin", the Master reaches this last life - yet he's been hanging about in various incarnations ever since. Even in the Canon nothing is written in stone, it would seem.
I can only suggest "watch this space".
I hope it's not Paterson, given the total lack of subtlety the show has shown when dealing with gay characters (look everyone, here's another gay character, aren't we progressive!) I suspect we'll be hit over the head every week as the writers attempt to prove how politically correct they all are.
>>>Well, since they've already trashed the Doctor Who brand, taking it from Cult Sci-fi and making it a Saturday night family special with 2 comedy guests per episode (oh, look the bad guy this week
is Ainsley Harriot mummy), why not go the whole hog and have a guest Doctor each week too.
Er, If I remember my yoof correctly, it started out as a 'Saturday night family special' - cannot comment on comedy guests, too busy hiding behind the sofa.
Yes, it is 13 lives from 3 regenerations. But the Beeb has also written themselves into a corner from when they were desperately trying whatever it took to kill the original series. In the Colin Baker episode/season Trial of a Time Lord, they established that the 13th Doctor was evil. So if they stick to the established regenerations/time lord timeline elements, they don't have many regens left.
Now with Tennant and Davies going, we will at last hopefully NOT have important plot explanations delivered at break-neck speed and buried in techno babble. The otherwise high production values and glitzy eye candy may keep the kiddies happy but this DOES not make for good TV. Oh, and get rid of that bleedin' sonic screwdriver. It seems everytime the Doc is in trouble, he whips it out (ooer etc.) and manages to fill a plot hole, or escape from a situation in seconds. Terrible writing.
I loved Dr Who ever since episode one, which I got to see sometime in the mid sixties. But even a timelord must eventually die and I think this is as good a time for the funeral as any.
The thing is now a total bore! It's basically just a collection of pointless PC vignettes glued together with some breathless special effects and a cacophonous soundtrack which is designed to blow even a Sontaran's impervious brain to smithereens. There is no attempt at acting. The characters just scream at each other hysterically and the good Doctor spends most of his time pulling funny faces and running around aimlessly.
Vale the Doctor. I will miss him greatly.
Disclaimer: These comments are only valid when read by a Terran. (I don't particularly feel like being blasted into a time vortex!)
This cast list might challenge the writers and bring in some new viewers:
New Doctor = Johnny Vegas
Assistant = Paris Hilton
Sonic Screwdriver = Rabbit vibrator
Maybe it could be like 'Have I Got a Bit More News for You', and have an extended repeat to include the less subtle rude bits? I'd probably watch that (at least more than I can watch the RTD stuff, trying to remember where the plot had been taken from).
What a git! Why is it every time someone becomes the Doctor after one season they think this fame will translate into great movie deals and more fame and fortune? Can't these sods see that they lucked into the best job on BBC (and on TV in general in my opinion) and just be happy that they get however many years they are able to play this character? How long would Star Trek series last if the actor playing the captain changed every season or two?
David Tennant.... I didn't like you at first but your version of the Doctor grew on me after a while. I hope you fall on sharp spikes and spend your retirement doing hemorrhoid commercials.
Maybe the next "Doctor" will have a clear head on his shoulders and be satisfied with "just" being a TV actor on a great show.
Oh, or maybe your career will just go through the roof like... oh ... I don't know... Christopher Eccleston. After he left Dr. Who he go to "guest star" on Heroes and now is playing a part on G.I. Joe... wow... didn't leaving the show help his career? ROFL GIT!
There have been times, over the history of the series, when some pretty stupid things were done. A hard limit on regenerations was one of the dumbest. It may have made for one good story, but the idea of a regeneration not going right would have been enough to drive that story.
RTD gave us the idea of the Time War, with hints that it would have made the Doctor's memories of his own past inherently unreliable. We can't trust canon. But I don't think he can be subtle.
And the end of Donna as a Companion was something that could have filled a Special. It was something that could have been strong drama, without spoiling the adventure. And RTD just threw it away in a few minutes at the end of an episode.
I am not looking forward to how he handles this looming change.
Well thank god Tennant is going. The last series with him and Ms Tate was bloody horrible. I saw only one and a bit full episode.. the one where he starts to regenerate. Oh how I cheered when he started to regenerate. Oh how I swore when he regenerated into the same idiotic, gabbling git.
Eccleston you bastard why did you have to leave!
1) Sean Connery with Keira Knightley as assistant/granddaughter
2) Patricia Routledge
3) Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen) with Rhona Mitra as sidekick
4) Lena Headey with Kate Beckinsale as sidekick
5) The Kumars (pick one as the doctor, the rest as sidekicks!)
6) Rowan Atkinson with Dylan Moran as sidekick
>The next one will be the Peter Davison of our era.
>So he should clearly be taken from a popular prime-time series about vets.
>Is there one?
Animal Hospital? So that would suggest Rolf Harris as the next Doctor...
"Have you guessed what it is yet?"
Alien because, well, its sci-fi...