How much?
Wouldn't it be cheaper to put a JesusPhone on a stick (well, an iPod Touch at least -- but I'm not sure what biblical term for the latter piece of kit is).
Paris, 'cos I've seen her in the biblical sense...
Japan's Sanyo is to offer locals an internet access terminal looks like a giant Jesus Phone on a stick. Sanyo's Albo: iPhone on a stick Dubbed the "Albo Home Network Viewer", the unit's designed to connect to a home's Wi-Fi network and allow users to hop online and check email, run webcam sessions, send instant messages, …
The smartphone that doesn't have a phone function is finally out! I knew it would happen!
Joke aside, this is a good old last-era terminal, web 2.0-style. I tend to prefer keyboard over webcam-and-mic, but I might be a bit old-school. I can see that gadget finding its hypster target though. It makes much more sense than cramming a wannabe-entertainment center in a tiny device with no proper display or audio.