back to article Motorola embraces Android, sees Microsoft on the side

Sanjay Jha, co-CEO at Motorola, is planning another round of layoffs in the mobile division as the group struggles to reduce the range of supported platforms from the existing 15 to something a little more manageable. The plan could be announced formally as soon as Thursday, when Motorola will present its results, the Wall …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    P2K !!!!

    I can't believe P2K won the internal platforms war that has been raging at Moto for years now (I have since left).

    P2K two years ago , was bloated and two years out of date with them buying company's and platforms such as the ill-conceived AJAR from TTPCom to try and replace it for ages.

    Out of all the choices I can't believe P2K is the best they have, but as ever at Motorola it is a bun-fight and the ones that can play the system the best win - the P2K always were a smooth operating bunch playing the system perfectly - well done guys, you crushed many a better platform and ruined many a balance sheet to protect your P2K empire and looks like in the end you won - congratulations.

  2. Darren B

    Symbian Foundation?

    So Motorola are going top cut ties with Symbian Foundation already? That must be a new record for them.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    bye bye moto

    Another great Moto plan. Switch your development to a completely new platform with lots of missing bits that you're going to need to build at the same time as laying off huge numbers of staff and trying to retrain a load more.

    There isn't a large pool of Android experts to hire from, so I would be very surprised if Moto manage to put out anything in a hurry.

    If they're aiming for IPO in 2010, they'd better get a move on...

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