Power crazed or what?
"Coming to the UK is a privilege, and I refuse to extend that privilege to individuals who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life."
No it's not a privilege it's a legally protected right for EU citizens. What *YOU* Jacqui Smith, choose to do it unimportant, you are just the person who sits in the Home Office for the moment. The EU was agreed to and the freedom of movement is enshrined in EU law and applies to UK law. It long pre-dates the 2006 implementation of the directive and the case law was absorbed into that directive.
"make greater use of UK watch lists "
Like those creepy no fly lists no doubt. Again punishment without due process is not consistent with UK and EU law.
You may believe that you can use the "national security" or "public safety", or "public order" as the exclusion, but the ECJ has already ruled the limits on those. They have to be proportionate. It has to be proportionate, and a "*presumption* of exclusion" clearly isn't.
So parliament will either clipped your wings again, like 42 days, or the ECJ will clip your wings. But really you should just resign. It's quite incredible that a minister assumes that Parliament will give them a law that amounts to the right to exclude anyone, despite EU law, despite UK law, just on their opinion, without due process or cause or specific legal basis.
She's just not fit to be in a position of power, she's clearly power crazed. Perhaps she doesn't understand that *SHE* is not Judge Dredd and *SHE* is not the law. Parliament decides the law not her, she can suggest and perform minor tweaks, but to say "EU freedom of movement no longer applies because I, SUPREME HOME SECRETARY OF THE FOOLMYSELFIVERSE, say so...."
Nah. Just an out of control Home Secretary who can't face criticism and is increasingly behaving erratically and with questionable sanity.