back to article Beeb cans TOTP Xmas special

The BBC has decided to can the traditional Top of the Pops Christmas Special in favour of eight "special" episodes of the archive spin-off TOTP2, the festive fun-busting corporation reports. Following TOTP's demise in 2006 after 42 years of poptastic viewing, the Yule edition was apparently also under sentence of death. A Beeb …


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  1. Anonymous John

    So what?

    I never watch it.

    Mine's the red one with the white edging.

  2. Pete James

    Like Buses this place

    I go years without seeing any and then two slightly obscure references to Wolverhampton spring up; Slade and Led Zepp. I'm waiting for Roy Wizzard next to tie it all up nicely - Christmas songs and Balck Country references ahoy!

    How do you do it? Go onnnnnnn, tell meh!

  3. Mike Crawshaw
    Thumb Down

    Ross & Brand's Recce to the Dole Office?

    Oh, please God, let it be true. I'd be so much happier paying the TV Tax if I didn't know that £6M a year of it was going just on Ross' salary. Plus what they pay Open Mike - Ross' production company - to make his shows. Plus what they pay Brand to recycle the same jokes he was telling in 2005.

  4. Dave

    Old and Gold

    TOTP had very little decent music on it in its last few years of life. TOTP2 is far superior and deserves airtime. Just provided they don't fill it with crap Christmas music, very few festive records are any good and most of them cause me to change channel if I'm listening to the radio when one comes on. (Slade still have the best, and Cliff Richard several of the worst.)

    Mine's the one with the humbug in the pocket.

  5. Maverick

    There's no need for that sort of language

    I quote:

    "Accordingly, we left hilarious abusive messages on their ansafones suggesting we'd slept with members of their familes. Ho, ho, ho."

    OK, Brand and Ross may have left abuse but they never called his granddaughter a prostitute.

  6. Joe K
    Thumb Up

    Great news

    TOTP2 is billions of times better than the main show bollocks.

    No annoying host, and no modern shite. Merry christmas.

  7. Dave Gregory

    And nothing of value...

    ...was lost.

  8. Shane Orahilly

    Thank fook for that

    It's not like there's any need for the Beeb to show us who is Christmas #1 - Just watch for whoever wins X-(manu)Factor or whatever other piece of Cowell-driven shyte is on the Other Side these days.

  9. Robert Ramsay

    @Dave Gregory

    Are you Dave Gregory who used to be in XTC?

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Joe K

    No annoying host? Not in person I guess but Steve Wright rabbiting on is annoying enough without having to actually *see* him as well.

  11. An Unwashed Mass

    @Mike Crawshaw

    Brand told *jokes*? I always thought he was just used by the vacuous members of my other half's family as a cruel form of punishment towards me

    Mine's the one with the petition to outlaw Brand as cruel and unusual punishment in the pocket

  12. Les Matthew

    Russell Brand

    Who he?

  13. The Fuzzy Wotnot

    @Les Matthew

    Russell Brand: A useless waste of air, less useful than Paris Hilton's sense of modesty.

  14. paulc
    IT Angle


    was only funny in the St.Trinians film... Ross has never been funny...

  15. Dave Gregory

    @Robert Ramsay

    I wish. Apart from the diabeetus.

  16. david wilson

    @Les Matthew

    I *think* he's the guy with the whiny voice who was on Have I Got News For You once and managed to be less funny than the average non-comic guest, though he did seem to laugh at his own 'jokes' quite a bit, probably to cover the silence.

  17. Thomas Baker

    Are the BBC still broadcasting?

    How odd.

  18. Anonymous Coward

    You've gotta realise

    The Beeb will need all the air time it needs over christmas no doubt show 6 hours a night of f&*king ballroom dancing oxygen thieves. They'll no doubt also need to keep some airtime free for some shite hosted by Graham Norton, where we get to pick the alien for ET the musical or some other shite. Remember folks, keep dialling those numbers.

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