"in the Territorial Army for 32 years"?
"One witness who had served in the Territorial Army for 32 years said that he advised a colleague to give the group passwords because of threats of violence."
It doesn't say much for the training they give to the TAs does it?
Surely he should have leaped over the desk and incapacitated the lot of them using his TA martial arts training? Would he hand over Britain to Johnny Foreigner simply because they looked a bit 'ard? He should be strung up.
Bloody pansy.
Can you imagine Clive Dunn handing over his password to some thug under "threat of violence"? He'd have been shouting for Mr.Mainwaring and the rest of the Home Guard to come and sort these chaps right out.
Seriously though, if one of my directors came and started asking for this stuff, I'd ask for written and authorised confirmation that such an insecure request was properly sanctioned. On the other hand, If his thugs came and loomed over my desk in an attempt to menace me into compliance, I'd simply tell them to fuck right off - what are they going to do whilst at my desk anyway? Beat me up? In the office? Come on, get real.