govt. does soemthing right - shocker
Government is about people. Those who tell us what to do and those who decide who should tell. As such, it's right that voting is a tangible process so we can see, from start to finish, how our votes are handled and recorded. While I would like to see elections be more than simply deciding which insincere, self-interested crook gets to do the telling, it's apparent that the lack of transparency in the electronic process is more of a barrier to the democratic process than a help.
Maybe in the future, we'll be able to produce systems that will record our actual wishes on real, specific and individual policies, as well as (or better: instead of) merely indicating who we'd like to send to the trough. However, I can't see that the turkeys would ever vote for christmas, so there's little chance of those in power moving to change the system that got them there.