More FUD from a vendor
There is one International EDI Standard - UN/EDIFACT. (ISO 9735) Directories are updated twice a year, but are so stable now that any changes are minor, and you don't need to apply them if your current version works. We still have partners using 1994 versions quite happily.
There are of course national standards, particularly ANSI X12 in the US, and Tradacoms in the UK, so a trader might have to support two standards, but they likewise have been stable for years.
There is no coding involved in a change - we use mapping software and just change the mappings (drag and drop usually)
EDI isn't only about invoices. We handle 10s of thousands of EDI messages a day for bookings, shipping instructions, Bills of Lading and container status messages. There is no way these could be handled completely manually.
I have had 15 years of work out of EDI, even though I was told it was dying when I started.
As the title says, FUD from someone trying to muscle into a market that already has a stable working solution. What next? TCP/IP is always changing, (IPV4 - IPV6) so we should go back to using snail mail with document scanners?
A non-story.