back to article Microsoft 2.0 feels data center pinch

Microsoft's burgeoning online strategy is beginning to feel the spending pinch as the company battens down against a potential recession. The company said it's "pulling back spending in lower priority areas" including the rollout of data centers, along with reduced hiring, marketing and travel spending. Chris Liddell, …


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  1. Steve Foster


    ...the word is "battens", as in batten down the hatches. Batons are mainly wielded by marauding plod, drum majors (the geeks with the twirly stick at the front of a marching band) and relay runners.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    From watching the latest Mac ads

    You'd think Microsoft had money to burn.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It is hard to know what to say

    about MS.

    The biggest software company in the world, and the most disliked and unused by the vast majority of tech. Truly ironic, it is like beer connoisseurs only quaffing micro brewery beverages, or attractive women only wearing haute couture, oh hold on I think I am rather disproving my point.

    You know what the problem with MS is they make shit, unbelievable, unremarkable shit. Now I am not some grungy wannabe coder, searching for existentialism through the haze of the GPL or something, but it is just a complete travesty that the top monied software company produces things that are just so bleh.

    MS close your data centres, I don't think the vast majority of us will notice when you do.

  4. Joe K

    What about the gaming division

    The Xbox division spent a whopping 50 million securing Xbox-exclusive DLC for GTA4, that still isn't even out yet (as used copies rapidly make their way into GAME and the like).

    Now they've just spent who knows how many millions on securing the same type of thing for the new Tomb Raider game.

    What a fuckin waste of cash.

  5. Paul Murphy

    battens down :-(

    >as the company batons down

    a baton is something you hit people with.

    back to reading the article... don't make me come back here.


  6. Nano nano

    I'll let go ..

    ... data "centers" ... as the writer is in the US - but should know better !!

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