the march towards judgement day continues unabated. i for one welcome our robotic overlords
Trouser-moisteningly terrifying news broke this week, as it emerged that sinister forces within the US military are looking to develop a remorseless robotic wolfpack capable of hunting down "a non-cooperative human subject" in "an indoor environment". Yes, it's true - last month, crazed Pentagon brainiacs asked contractors to …
Sorry Lewis, you obviously forgot to grout your tin foil hat at some point. The mind-control beams have somehow managed to penetrate your defences, as your article quite clearly shows.
You might only be displaying the early symptoms of CIA brain control, but there's no turning back, I'm afraid. Attempting to rationalise away the obvious Rise Of The Machines story here with the simple canard of pork-barrel Military-Industrial spending was a credible attempt, but those of us alert to the signs can see the smokescreen for what it really is.
When is your appointment for cybernetic upgrading?
Sarah Connor!
Anyway, the robots are already among us as proven by B3ta yonks ago. Just look if you don't believe me at the original version of the California Tourist Board advert. The end bit gives them away.....
"I for one.. welcome our new robotic overBANG!!!" ..... By Dave Ross Posted Friday 24th October 2008 15:37 GMT
With todays modern Universal Serial Bus ConneXXXXions , what's not to Welcome and Like, Dave?
"When is your appointment for cybernetic upgrading?" ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 24th October 2008 15:32 GMT . Crikey, AC, can't you Read and See that Lewis is Pioneering Rogue Craic CybernetIQ Code for Semantically Assimilation and In House on the House Distribution ..... AIVXXXXine to the Pervasive Invaders' Perverting and Corrupted Pox.
I concur with your welcome sentiments. ..... but then NIRobotIQs would be naturally be predisposed to tITs Support and Innovative Drive. Bravo Lester.
"Posting directly from the pub with a strong whiskey in hand?" By Dangermouse Posted Friday 24th October 2008 15:21 GMT. ..... An Irish WMD is strong whiskey. And the Poteen stuff has the Power to blow you Right into Space with Nary a Thought about Comeback or Eventual Landing.
"Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination."
... makes things better than they were before?"
Good point. With my peaceful IT background I'd never have considered this.
But it's irrelevant as tech is just a tool to use (as are the military?) so 'better' depends on how they are used. Another (robotic) tool is perhaps another warm paving stone down the road to another war; easy on the feet.
Someone said (ref?) something like, wars should be bloody and horrible so people work to avoid them. This tech vapourware stuff suggests war can be easy and clean.
It this hi-tech crap misses the point, that western societies are open and therefore vulnerable. If I was Mr Albert Quaida, I'd have gone for the easy and difficult to trace stuff, not the obvious of planes-into-buildings - why they haven't so far I don't understand. Though I am grateful. Robot soldiers become irrelevant in such a scenario (information collecting, however...)
Sometimes war seems necessary, sometimes sending in the lads is a mistake and we should be trying to fix underlying problems. But that would involve long term statesman-like planning, so that's not going to happen izzit.
BTW I understood that the game-theory scenarios could be broken easily by simply behaving randomly. If dog-robot can see through walls then game theory analysis becomes somewhat irrelevant though.
If you over stimulate the sensors, for example a powerful burst of the relevant radio emission for heart signals and as mentioned extreme halitosis, with luck the things will grind to a halt. At which point it is only necessary to spray them with distilled essence of 1967Ford Escort corrosion to destroy them utterly.
Failing that , a suit of armour, if you can't beat 'em join 'em!
these kinds of tech are easy enough for a government to deploy against their own people inside their own borders, where they wouldn't want to use a missile, as they do in someone else's home.
Still, if they used them to examine the schools full of children they've been blowing up in Pakistan, then they might be more prone to *not* killing people.
history shows that group of humans under the order
of a government can kill large number of other humans
("dictatorship" or "democracy" in this respect
being the same, compare the famous comment of
Madeline Albright on the necessary death of Iraqi children)
however in order to push a group humans to kill other
group of humans there is the need to convince and to keep
motivated the former to do this kind of task
(with propaganda, promise of more money etc.. etc..)
and do to this there is the need to seize and maintain power.
Killing humans by means of other humans have therefore
some "entry barrier".
On the other hand killing humans by means of an army of
robots would need just a Dick Cheney seize power once and
then dig himself in a bunker with a joystick and keyboard...
sorry guy, that's no laughing matter...
...otherwise they might not be able to attain rapture before robocalypse.
Also, it seems as if some "Minority-Report"-watching dudes, having been able to implement "precrime" (locking away people before they commit a crime), are now looking to get those Tom-Cruise-hunting robots online. Nice.
Surely with the amount of advances in offensive anti-human robot technology, there must also be advances in defensive / or anti-robot technology.
Can the register please do an article on the current state of robot defensive and anti-robot technology. I can't believe that there aren't companies out there (including DARPA) who see the opportunity or necessity in creating this tech.
Low-tech defense!
Cell phone terrorspying? Wrap phone in (yes) tinfoil - or just chuck it in the microwave oven and CLOSE THE DOOR. (Works just fine.)
Tazerz, Bro'? Stainless fine-weave fuel screening, two layers - with a layer of (yes) tinfoil laminated w/hot-melt adhesive in between. Suggest a simple doublet to start, then greaves or chaps and arm-sleeves. Gauntlet-gloves (not mittens) too. One might employ a flannel or light denim lining. Avoid chafing while in the field.
"Sonic" millimeter-wave voice-to-brain-thru-walls harassment/stalking got thee bugged, Brother? Or just need to know for certain between this and the infamous hallucinatory effects of hyper-stress coupled with exhaustion and the like? Tinfoil dome-shielding under the old /chapeau/ has provided useful half-split diagnosis PDQ many, many times. (If voices persist, it is likely NOT "Sonic Microwave" tech; lots of B vitamins and otherwise healthy living tend to help the other causes fade off in time...)
Not that a full top-down assault of such magnitude affords one much time to sleep or eat at all, of course. Somalia was kept for the Somalis, one gathers, by (among other things) the use of much /dagga/ at all times... Also by fighting the invading 'Mellicans while buck-naked, with full-Spirited fearsome battlecry and lots of Just Everything At Hand.
Like a Ninja. Dissed for the very first time...
USDC MIL-spec Pain Rayz? Full-body coverage in the above mesh/foil material oughta' just about do it. Just leave the tinfoil out of the eyeholes in the face protector, is all. (Looks bugeyed in the sunlight, but Faraday is still Faraday, even post-noinsey-'levvensey, now ain't it?)
Packs of killdroid dawgz? Hm. 50/50 putrescene/cadaverene oughta' swamp the stench-sensors; mebbe not so very hard to isolate from raw materials so long as no neighbor complains. Capsicum oil or plain ol' fine-ground black pepper might help too...
Might want to spray the antipainray gear black so as to not be so shiny, but lessee 'em defy Sir Michael Faraday on that one as well.
High tech assault - low tech defense. Live long, love well, thrive and prosper every day. Also prepare. You *know* /they/ are. And in a broad, general way, you *do* know /who/ "they" are. (Your Tax Dollars Perverted and Turned Against Us All, is all that need speak of this.)
As for the Offensive/Invasive Microwave Gear: Any decent dent in any exposed waveguide is a good one. Any broken antenna is non-resonant. Even a semi-speedy low-tech caplock musket-ball could do a fair job of that while CyberCujo is separating the stench of rotting meat from the stench of raw sewage deep within "his" robo-snuffling olfactorization kit, hm?
Like a word to the wise, one pin in the coax is sufficient.
The Boffin, because *all* Junior Manufacturing Physicists tend to become a natural-born National Resource in times uv risin' tyranny, now don't we just, me beloved laddie-bucks! <Arrr-rr-r.>
Reject ALL Terror. (You KNOW you WANT to.)