Gay disabled Vicar in M-way mercy dash shock horror
In other news:
El Reg Def Ed in bid for tabloid head glory.
/coat - the red top one
The legal team of Lisa Nowak, the one-time NASA spacewoman accused of planning to abduct and mishandle a rival for the affections of a space shuttle pilot, appeared again in court yesterday. Prosecutors were appealing against an earlier decision to throw out most of the evidence in the case. Florida cops originally braceleted …
Strange that the Navy has not stepped in to end the prosecution. Astronaut training is inherently dangerous and stress levels can be discovered, as this case reveals, to be too high without 24/7/365 SuperVision. This new knowledge has closed that Systems Fail and thus are there no individual cases to answer.
Main Entry:
pro·tag·o·nist Listen to the pronunciation of protagonist
Greek prōtagōnistēs, from prōt- prot- + agōnistēs competitor at games, actor, from agōnizesthai to compete, from agōn contest, competition at games — more at agony
1 a: the principal character in a literary work (as a drama or story) b: a leading actor, character, or participant in a literary work or real event
see the leading character in a real event type description bit.
...which is that, according to my old high school literature teacher, Nowak's rival for said space stud muffin's affections would actually be an _antagonist_. Iirc, your _protagonist_ would be the "hero" -- but not necessarily a "good" or "heroic" -- character in your story.
That is all. (that one, there, with the reading glasses in the front pocket, thanks)