back to article Feds seize biker gang's trademark

Federal investigators have hit a California biker gang where it hurts - by seizing the group's trademark. The Mongols OutLaw Biker Gang [website] attracted the attention of the DoJ's Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Department, with 61 indictments issued today. Search warrants were issued in six states yesterday, following a long …


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  1. Chris G

    Where can I buy one of theese patches?

    As above

  2. Dave

    Take his jacket right off his back?

    Err, I'm only guessing that California cops are smart enough to know that shit won't work if there's a group of Mongols involved? I somehow doubt the Rule Of Law will protect 2 cops trying to relieve a dozen Mongols of their jackets. Would be a real career-ender for the cops.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Mwhahahahaha... At what point do you, as a member of a badass(TM) biker gang think that you'll trademark your logos? Methinks they all actually have jobs in public relations, or something.

    Also, as one of the Feds, at what point do you think: You know what'll really piss them off? Lets seize their trademarks! (That's the sort of policing I actually like!)

    This has really cheered me up.

  4. Simon Painter


    You just can't take a biker group seriously if it's got a website.

    Unless they kicked the shit out of some geek with bats until he made it for them.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Trade mark

    I highly doubt that they went down to a federal office and trade marked the name. Its trade mark by violence. Use their name or logo and you go missing

  6. Nils Hormel


    All the Feds need to do is crank out hundreds of badges and jackets and the the Mongols won't know who is real and who is not. The Mongols, and others, take a very dim view of non-members wearing their colours. Its rather like the Conservatives stealing ideas from NuLabour.

  7. This post has been deleted by its author

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Or just...

    Make up some "Mongols are pussies" mugs and sell them on cafepress.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Their webste

    seems to have a bit of IP theft going on in the soundtrack. Also, those are some fugly bikes.

  10. Mark

    Website and trademarks

    Anyone thought that they probably have these to give a semblance of legality to the cash they have rolling in. Front businesses anybody?

  11. Anonymous Coward

    @Fraser - Copyright & Trademarks

    "...At what point do you, as a member of a badass(TM) biker gang think that you'll trademark your logos? Methinks they all actually have jobs in public relations, or something..."

    Akshurly, the Hell's Angels logo - winged skull plus top and bottom rockers - *is* a registered trademark Add in the fact that the copyright in the design resides with the guy who thunk it first, Frank Sadliek, a one-time president of a chapter.

    When some fancy-pants 90's fashion designer decided that he'd use the bad boy logo on an exclusive range of outrageously overpriced leather jackets, he was mortified to recieve a cease and desist letter from the HA.

    But they owned the copyright, they were protecting their trademark and the pantywaister had to go away and do his own creative work next time...

  12. amanfromMars Silver badge

    April Fool ..... Pantomime of a Trojan Horse.

    "All the Feds need to do is crank out hundreds of badges and jackets and the the Mongols won't know who is real and who is not. " ..... By Nils Hormel Posted Wednesday 22nd October 2008 23:48 GMT .... In your dreams, Nils, for they will know of everyone worthy of the badge and easily recognise those who would only parade it for Ignorance.

    "Also, as one of the Feds, at what point do you think: You know what'll really piss them off? Lets seize their trademarks! (That's the sort of policing I actually like!)" .... By Fraser Posted Wednesday 22nd October 2008 20:59 GMT ..... Not much Vision there, Fraser, which is typical of that sort of policing. Stirring up trouble is akin to being extraordinarily rendered a terrorist these days and it is a no brainer career move surely. And with an infinite number of other options available, it is a strange choice for an Enforcement Agency to make. Is the head honcho, ill. Is medication not working, or is there some outside pressure being exerted or a new captain on the bridge or what?

    The Story is a Spoof though, yeah? Surely no one can so Short Sighted as to Virtually Invite Intellectual Conflict with such Nonsense?

  13. Chris G

    @ It'a trophy

    What you are trying to describe is called `going original´. The Oakland Angels all wore Levi Original jeans and cut off jackets and the bit about shit and piss and booze over them is true, it was part of the initiation ceremony.The other bit is not quite correct, However it was possible to earn Red Wings or Black wings thru oral congress with a menstruating woman of varying race.

    In California, I lived in a favourite weekend haunt for bikers ( Nevada City) a great many of these guys were corporate managers and frequently gay, who nevertheless looked the part. You would not want to make the mistake of confusing a real outlaw for one of these weekend outlaws because a real outlaw would gut you, rip your head off, spit down your neck, and then leave you hanging out to dry on the nearest fence. Saying that,many of them would come into my girlfriend's gift shop to buy pretties for their girlfriends and I have seen them buy flowers for mother's day.

    In the UK most of the Hells Angels chapters are limited companies, uncouth, drug taking , violent and anti social ? Maybe. Stupid and unenterprising? Definitely not!

    They also help old ladies to cross the street!!

  14. dervheid

    @ "Its rather like the Conservatives stealing ideas from NuLabour."

    You know, I really don't think you're anywhere NEAR the mark there.

    NuLabour aren't going to go round to Conservative Central Office, tear the place and the people apart then set fire to the remains, just for trying to nick their ideas.

    Well, not unless they win the next election, in which case we're ALL f***ed!

  15. Dr. E. Amweaver

    Odd thought...

    ...if you have a Mongols tatt. could the Feds really seize a pound of flesh for misappropriation of govt property?

    Mine's the black leather one with the pocket protectors and "BORN TO /RUN hog.exe"

  16. Mike Crawshaw

    I look forward

    To seeing the police try and enforce this one. The HAMC and Mongols (plus the other "Serious" MCs) don't take their patches off when someone is pointing a gun at them, so I'm pretty sure that this won't work either. As Dave, above, stated, it's more likely to end in the police losing *their* patches (shields) than anything else. If they're lucky.

    As for Nils' suggestion that the feds crank out copies of the patches etc, erm, well, knowing how nicely the Mongols take to people wearing their patches, I look forward to seeing just how many volunteers they get for that little experiment! Not I, that's for sure!

    ("We're not quite sure Attorney O'Brien has really thought this one through." Qualifier for understatement of the decade!)

  17. TimNevins
    Black Helicopters

    Photographing the soul

    In some less developed civilisations it used to be believed that taking a photo would seize the soul of the Subject.

    This is a variation on the theme.

    The single most important thing to a close knit group/gang is their sense of identity and belonging. This is normally embodied by the wearing of a badge/insignia/garment. This is the symbolic glue that holds the team together.

    The Gvt is not seizing their badge. It is seizing their identity.Their soul. Without wearing the insignia to show their allegiance they become unrecognizable as an entity.

    The Gvt. has some clever psychologists working for them.

  18. Gobhicks


    US Registered trademark:

    Word Mark MONGOLS


    Mark Drawing Code (1) TYPED DRAWING

    Serial Number 76532713

    Filing Date July 28, 2003

    Current Filing Basis 1A

    Original Filing Basis 1A

    Published for Opposition October 19, 2004

    Registration Number 2916965

    Registration Date January 11, 2005



    Assignment Recorded ASSIGNMENT RECORDED

    Attorney of Record Michael R. Doram

    Type of Mark SERVICE MARK

    Register PRINCIPAL

    Live/Dead Indicator LIVE

  19. tony trolle

    only in california

    The California Attorney General lists the MONGOLS m.c. as a outlaw motorcycle gang however the FBI do not, however it did not stop them running this 6-month undercover operation.

    Anyway the ones I met are ok (all pre 2002 members)

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @ "Its rather like the Conservatives stealing ideas from NuLabour."

    Nils old fruit, look back at the newspapers - you'll find the Tories announce something and then a few days later NuLabour suddenly start spouting about some wonderful idea *they* have just had.

    Don't believe me?

    Like I said, go look at the printed history.

    It's why the Tories are so reluctant to tell anyone what they plan to put in their manifesto until it's too late for Labour to plagarise without being any more bleedin' obvious than they have been so far.

    Oh, and NuLabour's other popular trick is to announce spending for a future plan today, then announce spending for an imminent plan next month, then announce spending for a new initiative they have just come up with in three months time... thus making it look like they are giving three "boosts" to whatever it might be. They do the same sort of thing with cuts.

    If you want a real laugh, look back at Godrun Brown's performance as Chancellor, and compare it to the last couple of years of Tory plans when they were in power... you'll see a pretty good match between things NuLabour voted down (and thus stopped thge Tories doing) and the things Brown did when Tory Blur and NuLabour first got in. Once Brown no longer had any "new" ideas he could copy from the Tories and the old Labour values began to reassert themselves, the National Debt began spiralling rapidly upwards again...

    What's the expression, those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it? Under the Tories, the rich get richer but most people do okay. Under Labour, everybody is equal - we all end up with nothing.

    But don't take my word for it. Use the brain you were born with, do some research and find out for yourself instead of listening to the politicians.

  21. Dr. E. Amweaver

    Update from today's paper...

    ...this is unusually clever stuff for the Federales. The confirmed ruling means that anyone wearing a patch or whose bike sports the decal can be stopped and have infringing property seized.

  22. FatherStorm


    If the supposedly "infringing" property is attempted to be seized, don't the feds have to prove that the product was manufactured/sold AFTER their claim of IP ownership? I don't believe there's a court in the land that will retroactively enforce any such thing. When those members bought those patches, they did so while they had a legal right to do so, that right remains with that particular patch, FUTURE patches can be infringing, but not PAST patches.

  23. Ishkandar

    Oh good !!

    Now, descendants of Genghis Khan can legally sue the States for copyright infringement since they *ARE* the original Mongols !!

  24. Anonymous Coward


    "Bought those patches"...

    1%-ers do not buy patches. They are earned.

    That is why the large clubs (HAMC et al) take a dim view of people trying to pass themselves off as 1% bikers.

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