back to article Pr0n-surfing pastor downs church network

A church minister from Strängnäs, Sweden, has walked the plank after his local church's computer network contracted a nasty case of the clap as a result of his porn surfing, The Local reports. The Church of Sweden clergyman admitted to "spending a lot of time at work viewing pornographic websites", but his lust for smut would …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Why were they upset?

    Was it because the minister was surfing for porn at work or because he was "bashing the bishop"?

    Well somebody had to....

  2. ElFatbob


    "came under scrutiny for moistening post-it notes with his penis and sticking them up in an office"

    I don't want to picture this....

  3. Simon C
    Paris Hilton

    just wondering

    "The powers that be have not yet decided whether a righteous defrocking is in order"

    Is that the fictional or real powers that be?

    Paris, because everyone seen her defrocked.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "came under scrutiny for moistening post-it notes with his penis and sticking them up in an office"

    er... why?

  5. Secretgeek

    'A lethal computer virus'?

    I'm no IT expert but, unless it switches off your life support machine, a computer virus isn't likely to be lethal. Is it?

  6. Matt Sprigg

    RE: erm...

    Have you ever tasted a post it note!

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    But why?

    "came under scrutiny for moistening post-it notes with his penis and sticking them up in an office"

    But don't post it notes come pre-glued?

    And isn't there a danger of excessive glue deposits causing a nasty case of sticky knob?

  8. Anonymous Coward

    pr0n is why

    God (through us) invented live Linux CD's ;-)

    If only the pastor had known...

    Mine's the one with an Ubuntu CD in a pocket.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    >"came under scrutiny for moistening post-it notes with his penis and sticking them up in an office"

    >I don't want to picture this....

    It could have been worse, it could have been "up an orifice".

  10. ElFatbob

    @Chris W

    lol - thanks, brightened my Monday up!

  11. Toastan Buttar

    "Came under scrutiny"

    Who scrutinised him while he.....?

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Ceiling Cat is watching you masturbate !

  13. The Voice of Reason

    Nothing new

    The real headline news will be when they discover a member of the church who hasn't got kinky, scandalous or deviant sexual proclivities. (Little chance of that, though).

  14. Cameron Colley

    Well, if you're gullible enough to believe a religion...

    ... then you're gullible enought to believe "In order to view this content you need to download this 'CODEC' from'".

  15. Tony


    Archbishop Anders Wejryd said: "Priests are people too, but I have no understanding at all for someone sitting and surfing for porn on the parish computers."

    Of course if he had been molesting the alter boys that would have been quite different. He'd probably be short-listed for pope.

  16. Anonymous Coward

    Doubletakes 'R' us!

    Did no one else read a key phrase in the first sentence as "waNked the plank"?

  17. Seán

    Invisible friends

    Why is it belief in invisible friends is usually the least disturbing habit of religious types. I think we should embrace the fundamental lesson of Christianity and crucify the lot of them.

  18. Anonymous Coward

    poor guy

    he thought it said PORN when it really said PWN.

  19. Andy Worth


    "moistening post-it notes with his penis and sticking them up in an office"

    Holy cock-juice Batman! Surely the risk of paper-cuts in that area alone makes it too dangerous to consider?

  20. Aram

    In Soviet Russia...

    ... post-it note sticks you

  21. Jolyon Ralph
    Thumb Up

    "moistening post-it notes with his penis and sticking them up in an office"

    Is that what you meant by a "tip-off" ?


  22. Loki

    What sort of porn?

    The question arises what type of porn was he looking at?

    Nuns in bondage? (could be prosecuted under the obscene publication act)

    Upfrock Choirboys?

    or as they are fond of calling their parishioners their "flock"...

    Sheep down and dirty.....

    Mines the one with the 50p and a mars bar for the choir boy.

  23. Pavlovs well trained dog

    oh dear.

    "came under scrutiny for moistening post-it notes with his penis and sticking them up in an office"

    I'm trying to picture that...

    My father and a brother of mine are church ministers...

    ok. Now I am trying not to picture this.

  24. Alan Ferris

    I'm sorry, this is outrageous...

    ... where's the Playmobil?

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