back to article Home Office mulls fighting hacking with corporate ASBOs

The Home Office is consulting on the possibility of applying serious crime prevention orders (AKA corporate ASBOs) to computer hacking laws. Serious crime prevention orders allow the courts to apply "injunctions" against criminal behaviour granted on the basis of the balance of probabilities rather than the much tougher …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The "beyond reasonable doubt" principle....

    Has long been a thorn in the side of this government so tactics like this are hardly surprising.

  2. dervheid
    Black Helicopters

    WTF are they *really* up to here?

    Because this appears to be a load of unenforceable, un-policeable bollocks.

    Is it *really* just a POS concocted by a clearly internet-illiterate junior minister?

    Or is there a darker agenda here?

    Papers Please, Citizen.

  3. dervheid

    Picked up from another thread...

    Go on,

    You know it makes sense.

  4. Julian Bond

    "Corporate ASBOs"

    So Lehman Brothers will be prevented from drinking alcohol in public anywhere with the Square Mile?

    Oh. Wait.

    Coat because everybody else at Lehmans have already got there's and left.

  5. Frumious Bandersnatch

    the real motivation?

    Besides weakening the burden of proof criterion, it's probably so that, somewhere down the road, you can be deemed unfit to use the Internet. Cause let's face it, they're not going to get very far regulating the 'net itself, so what better way to stop undesirable content than kicking off the undesirable content providers?

    /tinfoil hat engage

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    just because something is in the clipboard, and the cat starts playing with the mouse, and the entire internet goes down, that is somehow our fault now?

    Once the government can run their own systems flawlessly perhaps they should be allowed to make some draconian law.

    All this is going to do is increase the blame game.

  7. EnricoSuarve

    Everything they touch is tainted with evil somehow

    What's the odds that the online slagging of Jacqui Smith count's as Computer Misuse in the small print somewhere?

    It's the kind of thing I would expect from that morally vacuous bitch and her evil cronies in the home office

    [crash!]..............Ah nuts! looks like mines the orange jumpsuit with the interesting accessories

    Whats that? you've got a water slide especially for folk who object to the government? sounds ace....

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Joined up Government

    Has anyone else connected this initiative with the plan to monitor & log all email, internet and phone records.

    How long before the Governement starts hading out ASBOs to thousands of people because it disapproves of thier web browsing activities. How long do we have to wait until reading Monbiot in the Guardian lands you with an internet ASBO, care of MI5?

  9. Andy Enderby
    Thumb Up

    I was against this at first.....

    ....Then an exception occurred to me. Abusive naked shorters..... Slap an ASBO on'em, print posters with their piccies, names and addresses on ''em, Put their faces on't t'internet, then ban 'em from the square mile and coming within a mile of a share broker.

  10. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Ok ..... Come on Now. MuI7. You know it makes Perfect Sense.

    Might I suggest a CyberIntelAIgent Government Dept. before IT embarrasses theForces that Be with what IT and Crack Code can do with Reality, Virtually.

    QuITe Painfully Clearly are the Establishment floundering like fish out of water in the new NeuReal Control Paradigm. Such a shrewd Move would also Establish an Asture NEUKlearer Lead for Others to Follow/Mimic/Copy/Clone/Plagiarise, although it would be so much easier to Invite Foreign Virtual Participation in AIMutual Intelligence Services via Dedicated Internet Portals thus to also Enrich and Provide for dDelivery and Live Assistants.

    If you don't Lead with IT, you'll only end up Following Someone Else with More Gumption/Bigger Balls/Beta Brains for it is an Inevitability.

    You don't really want to Mess with those who are into Quantum Communication and Semantic Web dDevelopment Surely, for there is neither a Viable Defence nor an Effective Attack against what IT can do. And that is Sound Advice and not a PreEmptive Threat.

    Crikey, I very nearly wrote that .... and not an Empty Threat :-) ..which would not be kosher.

    Who Dares Win Wins?!.

  11. I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects
    Paris Hilton

    @ "Corporate ASBOs"

    I was wondering when the really useful socialism in the socialist party would work up some gumption. WTF is the need to police the net when nobody thought to police the banks?

    Sort out reality before sorting out this place. We have badly served service men strolling around Iraq and Afghanistan like the Hitler yoof., racist extremists shooting down electricians on subways and any amount of spivs and fraudsters getting places in the house of lords.

    Chavs run the television and other entertainment industries, Supermarkets force farmers into unspeakable practices and druggies are charging so much for fixes that cancer, stroke and god knows what patients can't get their doses but they can get MRSA...

    Get effing real.

  12. Anonymous Coward


    Would trojan writers get an ASBOT? Sorry, it's been a long day!

  13. Anonymous Coward


    I would sign the petition but... they want my name, address, email etc. Of course, they DO state these will not be used for anything at all, nothing to worry about then, I'll go sign up now!

  14. Watashi

    Habeas Corpse

    Innocent until we think you're guilty. How much longer do we have to put up with New Labour's bollocks? C'mon people of Glenrothes - now's your chance to put this failing government out of our misery.

  15. dervheid

    @ Pete

    Bwaaak! Buk buk buk, bwaaaak!

    BTW, Watashi. do you honestly think that the Glenrothes by-election will have ANY impact on the current ship of fools?

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Double Plus Good

    [The comment usually goes here]

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    It's possible that if the voters in Glenrothes inflict a sufficiently humiliating defeat on the NuLabour totalitarians they will set a benchmark for the rest of the country. They have an opportunity currently denied to the rest of us naysayers.

    While democracy is still clinging on by its fingertips in this country we must demonstrate to all political parties that we are no longer prepared to tolerate shit like this. If what it takes is the complete annihilation of one party to set an example for the others then let's do it.

    Yawn, oh god, is that the time already? Must have been dreaming.

  18. Kanhef

    @Frumious Bandersnatch

    Anyone who has worked in tech support can tell you that some people are unfit to be within ten feet of a computer, let alone use the Internet.

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