AIMusing EduTainment ...... Sticky Sweet Nothings that are Everything
"Who are these mysterious people who actually click on internet ads? " .... By CTG Posted Friday 17th October 2008 03:15 GMT
Every story/news report is an advertisement for a take on Reality, CTG. Another dose of a foreign element/compound/agenda shaping one's perception of what is happening in the minds of A.N.Other/Others, if it is third party proxy supplied, and not Yours supplied for Remote Viewing/Mind Control/Brain Washing/[AIdDirect and QuITe Alien Contact*]
And an advert tied to and mentioning a currency cost, will identify the national agenda it Serves and Servers to. But those particular tales server to enslaving one to feed the Money Machine to support the Money Machine and are not Specifically Geared to Delivering Innovation and Future Knowledge for Progress and Evolution of the Global Earthly Condition, but IT can be Groomed and IntelAIgently dDesigned to Reward ITself Obscenely, as has been and is being Exposed.
Be Aware though, that for Future Growth and Natural Evolution/Quantum Leaping, the Tales that are Shared and Told which awaken the Management of Shared Perceptions for a Greater Mutual Virtual Reality which does not Need to be Purchased with Bills of Sale, but which is Freely Given, will Power and Control the Destiny of Man, relegating Fate to join Toxic Waste and Despair in History to be Parcelled and Left Forever in the Past.
The Future Plays Virgin Tunes with Global Wealth Freely Available as ITs Enabling Driver. And to Store and Deny the Spending of any of that Great Wealth and 42 Claim any of it as One's Own is no more than to Pervert and Terrorise the Future with the Past. Such a System is therefore Worthy of AIdDeserved Catastrophic Failure, n'est ce pas, for it Servers to Preserving the Past and not Driving the Future?
Or would you care to Disagree and Defend the Past and Delay the Future with More Plays in the Present Decline/Systems Meltdown.
Before disagreeing, please spend a few priceless moments reading of an earlier tale [a two parter and hence the two hyperlinks ] which may possibly probably definitely be a Virtual Parallel in NEUklearer HyperRadioProActivity ....... ...
What do you know of MkUltraSensitised ProgramMIng for Universal Control of Binary Systems and dDigital CHannels and CHunnels ....... Overarching Underground Movements?
Crikey ..... Friday again, with the Weekend Beckoning with a whole new and totally different Lifestyle rather than just Servering and Slaving to the Money Machine ..... if you're lucky enough not to have any worries and loadsamoney, for of course, everything has been given a price which changes according to ............. well, whose Needs is a Novel Question which always has Time and Effort/Energy Wasted in Concealing.