Brings to mind
an old joke about McEnroe and a visit to a fertility clinic.
On an entirely unrelated note, is there something a little goatse about this icon? No? Hmm.
It always cheers us up when some wag gets right in there down at Wikipedia and sabotages the world's leading provider of balanced, objective and unfiddled info. It's thanks very much then to Mick McCarthy who's just spotted an nice addition to the encyclopedia's entry on plumbing: Wikipedia's entry on plumbing, or rather the …
adding article text below the "External Resources" section? Why not add a whole "Vandals' Playground" section and bold the text up a bit, it wouldn't be any less subtle. Amateurs.
Much more entertaining, IMHO, is creative vandalism such as editing articles in such a way that the first letter of each sentence spells out a profanity, a message destroying the precious NPV of the article or, most heinous of all, some criticism of Wikipedia. I'm still waiting for the Wikifiddlers to track down any of my efforts in this arena...
By Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 14th October 2008 15:37 GMT
"It's been pulled, obviously, but the old version is here:"
I think you must be getting confused with w@nking... See seperate Wiki entry
I remember looking at the Microsoft page on Wikipedia a few years ago. Someone had. Replaced the entire article with "MICROSOFT ARE EVIL!"
I don't use Wikipedia much (if at all) now though, so I haven't seen many shenanigans as of late.
Paris because I bet she calls in the plumbers.
Stuff like that gets removed pretty quickly. Far more fun to be subtle. I added an unusual yet plausible hobby to a US Christian rock singer's entry that's still there two years later.
Of course, since Wikipedia's arbitary rule is that if it's referenced in print, it must be true, simply reference "plumbing" to the printed Profanisaurus.
Am I the only one who thinks such tripe is childish and immature? Seriously, if you think this kind of crap is funny, you need to get out of your mother's basement a little more. Is it any wonder the IT profession carries such a stigma? I used to think it was unwarranted. I now know that I'm just in the minority.
The wiki-cognoscenti (if such a thing were possible) edit articles on practices that might be termed NSFW by hyper-linking to articles where the suggested combination would be amusing. The one on 'gigolos' pointing to the evangelical preacher under 'See Also' for instance...
Or creating empty categories or articles such as 'List of French Military Victories'.
There's also the circular logic reference. Make an unsubstantiated claim. Reference a blog/feed etc that you can edit to point back at the article on Wikipedia. Job done.
Paris, because according to a blog I'm about to reference she is a world expert on the written language of Easter Island.
I think everyone seems to of lost there humour bone around here? could be to do with the credit crunch maybe, I find it funny so keep up the good work El Reg! as i ain't going to go surfign that sh*t wiki looking for things like this, so having the funny ones pointed out i think your doing us people (still with a sense of humour) a service.
Thumbs up El Reg. and go back to your DBs you boring peeps.