Are some STILL missing the point?
LOOK!, for all those whiney little prats out there who really don't get the point here it is one more time.
The Macbook Air is designed for people who spend a lot of time on the move and away from the office/base.
The general idea is that you or your tekey tech can maintain and up date the Air along with adding and removing data, through a new thing just creeping in to the industry called THE - WIRE-LESS-NET-WORK. This reduces the need for millions of ports and sockets etc which would make the machine fat and heavy.
So you take you fully updated Air from your office drive 500 miles to a conference take out your laptop, maybe plug in for power and notice that conference rooms and board rooms don't have millions of cables strewn everywhere to plug in to all those vital ports you all want so badly.
Back to your hotel plug in for power again and back up all you days data to disk using the Air's USB optical drive, then you hook up to the hotel wireless network and send some email,a short video meeting with your boss, which you use head phone for, then you may want to relax and watch a film, again, using your USB optical drive to play the DVD.
At this point you will realize that both your arms are still the same length or that you shoulders haven't assumed a diagonal slant that makes you look like you should be ringing a church bell in France.
Sure you won't see many Air's in schools, but I've seen plenty coming out of rucksacks and brief cases at meetings and far less laptop bags cluttering the floor.....