Here we go...
I wish to start by saying I own a PS3 and a 360 Elite - I payed full retail price at launch for both and was happy to do so.
"lastly you can't even use the forcoming "NXE" New Xbox Experience, without having to buy an addition Microsoft branded memory card.. LOL..."
You are ill informed. The Arcade (ie cheapest model) comes with a memory card.
"You should be really only comparing the 360 Elite to the 80GB PS3"
I agree completely - compare apples to apples please reg.
"and then the £220 for the 360, looks a bit crap, as for a mere £75 more, you get so much more... Including Wifi, Blu-ray, free online play"
Define 'much more' when you already mention wifi, blu-ray and free online play? What else do you get? Oh I know...what about less storage space (unless you fork out for your own hdd and do the upgrade)? What about far less downloadable content and extras? What about the fact that Blu-ray's are overpriced compared to dvd's - which both consoles will play and upscale equally as well? Lets not forget that most Blu-rays are currently upscaled old standard def content where is the benefit? What about the fact that the PSN is absolute shite for online gaming compared to Live? Have you used both? I have and do regularly.
"If you intend on owning a 360 and play online, then the online fees alone for the 360 outweigh that cost saving as online gaming is free on PS3..."
It's £35 per year for Live. So that's 2x years worth of online gaming plus a fiver for your price difference. Considering the quality increase and higher level of support on Live vs PSN, I'll take that thanks.
If I didn't already own both, I would go for a 360 and 2x years on live, then pick up a PS3 later when Sony relent and drop the price (because let's face it, they will).
For reference, I'm not bashing the PS3 - I love it for some of it's excellent single player titles - Drake's Fortune was great fun - and BD support is a nice extra, but it is just that. An Extra. Hardly a deal breaker.
OFC, if you are shopping for a BD player not a games console then I reckon it's the PS3 all the way.
I would suggest Mr AC, that you really should do more research before making ill informed fanboy comments though.